
时间:2017-06-29 14:58:13

标签: scala


sealed trait Super
case class SpecificA(...) extends Super
case class SpecificB(...) extends Super

trait Bells
trait Whistles

sealed trait Something
case class SomeAWithBellsAndWhistles(...) extends Something with Bells with Whistles
case class SomeBWithBellsAndWhistles(...) extends Something with Bells with Whistles

object Utils {
  def doStuff[T <: Super](...): RT
如果RTSomeAWithBellsAndWhistles,则{p> T只能为SpecificA,对B也类似。如果我知道所有'允许'的组合,有没有办法强制执行?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


 sealed trait Something[T <: Super] 
 class SomeAWithBellsAndWhistles extends Something[SomeA] with Bells with Whistles
 class SomeBWithBellsAndWhistles extends Something[SomeB] with Bells with Whistles

 def doStuff[T <: Super](...): Something[T]

答案 1 :(得分:1)


trait FindThing[A] {
  type Out
object FindThing {
  type Aux[A, B] = FindThing[A] { type Out = B }
  implicit def findA: FindThing.Aux[SpecificA, SomeAWithBellsAndWhistles] =
    new FindThing[SpecificA] {
      type Out = SomeAWithBellsAndWhistles
  implicit def findB: FindThing.Aux[SpecificB, SomeBWithBellsAndWhistles] =
    new FindThing[SpecificB] {
      type Out = SomeBWithBellsAndWhistles

def doStuff[T](t: T)(implicit T: FindThing[T]): T.Out =

def x: SomeAWithBellsAndWhistles = doStuff(SpecificA())
def y: SomeBWithBellsAndWhistles = doStuff(SpecificB())


你也可以emulate functional dependencies我应该能够达到相同的结果。
