
时间:2017-07-05 06:59:22

标签: perl activestate

我的代码有问题。我有1 GB的记录,我必须根据日期和时间进行排序。记录如下:


TYP_journal article|KEY_1926000001|AED_|TIT_A Late Eighteenth-Century Purist|TPA_|GLO_Pronouncements of George Campbell and his contemporaries which time has set aside.|AUT_Bryan, W. F.|AUS_|AFF_|RES_|IED_|TOC_|FJN_Studies in Philology|ISN_0039-3738|ESN_|PLA_Chapel Hill, NC|URL_|DAT_1926|VOL_23|ISS_|EXT_358-370|CPP_|FSN_|ISN_|PLA_|SNO_|PUB_|IBZ_|PLA_|PYR_|PAG_|DAN_|DGI_|DGY_|OFP_|OFU_|FSS_|PDF_|LIB_|INO_|FAU_|INH_|IUR_|INU_|CDT_9/15/2003 3:12:28 PM|MDT_5/16/2017 9:18:40 AM|

我使用MDT_5/16/2017 9:18:40 AM对这些记录进行排序。


  1. 我过滤了有或没有MDT_的文件(使用MDT_MDT_创建两个文件)。


    open read_file, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', "$current_in/$file_name" || die "file found $!";
    my @Dt_ModifiedDate = grep { $_ =~ /MDT_([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+) ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+) ([A-Z]+)/i} <read_file>;
    my $doc_MD = new IO::File(">$current_ou/output/$file_name_with_out_ext.ModifiedDate");
    print $doc_MD @Dt_ModifiedDate;
    close (read_file);


    open read_file, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', "$current_in/$file_name" || die "file found $!";
    my @un_ModifiedDate = grep { $_ !~ /MDT_([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+) ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+) ([A-Z]+)/} <read_file>;
    open read_file, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', "$current_in/$file_name" || die "file found $!";
    my $doc_UMD = new IO::File(">$current_ou/output/$file_name_with_out_ext.unModifiedDate");
    print $doc_UMD @un_ModifiedDate;
    close (read_file);
  2. MDT_包含文件,我收集所有日期和时间并对其进行排序然后是唯一的。

    @modi_date = map $_->[0],
    sort { uc($a->[1]) cmp uc($b->[1]) } map { [ $_, toISO8601($_) ] } @modi_date;
    @modi_date = reverse (@modi_date);
    @modi_date = uniq (@modi_date);
  3. 根据排序的日期和时间我从MDT_file中获取所有记录。最后创建最终文件。

    my $doc1 = new IO::File(">$current_ou/output/$file_name_with_out_ext.sorted_data");
    foreach my $changes (@modi_date)
    @ab = grep (/$changes/, @all_data_with_time);
    print $doc1 ("@ab\n");
  4. 但这个过程需要更多时间。有没有办法在短时间内完成?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

正如您所指出的,在您的机器上执行内存中的所有操作都不是一个选项。但是,我不明白为什么你第一次排序日期, 然后用该日期grep所有记录,而不是在日期对所有这些记录进行排序。

我还怀疑如果你要逐行浏览原始文件而不是在一个巨大的地图排序分割图中,你可能会节省一些内存, 但是我会把它留给你试试 - 它可以节省你创建文件然后重新解析的东西。

我建议一次性做2 + 3:


my $mdt_fn = 'with_mdt.txt'; # <- whatever name you gave that file?
open ( my $fh, '< :encoding(UTF-8)', $mdt_fn ) 
    or die "could not open file '$mdt_fn' to read: $!"; 

my $dt_parser = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(
   pattern => '%m/%d/%Y %r',

# get all records from file. To ensure we only need to parse the line once,
# store the datetime in a hashref.
my @records;
while ( my $line = <$fh> ){
    push @records, {
        dt     => _dt_from_record($line),
        record => $line,

# If you wanted to CMP rather than doing datetime comparison,
# adapt _dt_from_record and use 'cmp' instead of '<=>'
@records = sort{ $a->{dt} <=> $b->{dt} }@records;

open ( my $out_fh, '> :encoding(UTF-8)', 'sorted.txt') or 
    die "could not open file to write to: $!";

# Or reverse first if you want latest to oldest
print $out_fh $_->{record}."\n" for @records;
close $out_fh;

# I prefer using DateTime for this.
# Using a parser will alert me if some date was set, but cannot be parsed.
# If you want to spare yourself some additional time,
# why not store the parsed date in the file. However, I doubt this takes long.

sub _dt_from_record {

    my $record = shift;
    $record =~ /MDT_([^\|]+)/;
    return $dt_parser->parse_datetime($1);


答案 1 :(得分:0)

最后我做到了。 完整的代码是: -

use warnings;
use strict;
use 5.010;
use Cwd;
binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
use Date::Simple ('date', 'today');
use Time::Simple;
use Encode;
use Time::Piece;
use Win32::Console::ANSI;
use Term::ANSIScreen qw/:color /;
use File::Copy;

BEGIN {our $start_run = time();
    my $Start = localtime;
    print colored ['bold green'], ("\nstart time :- $Start\n");
my $current_dir = getcwd();
my $current_in = $ARGV[0];
my $current_ou = $ARGV[1];
my @un_ext_file;
my @un_ext_file1;
my $current_data =today();
my $time   = Time::Simple->new();
my $hour   = $time->hours;
my $minute = $time->minutes;
my $second = $time->seconds;
my $current_time = "$hour"."-"."$minute"."-"."$second";
my $ren_folder = "output_"."$current_data"."_"."$current_time";

##check for output name DIR
opendir(DIR1, $current_ou);
my @current_ou_folder = readdir(DIR1);
foreach my $entry (@current_ou_folder)
    if ($entry eq "output")
        move "$current_ou/output" , "$current_ou/$ren_folder";
        mkdir "$current_ou/output";
        mkdir "$current_ou/output";

opendir(DIR, $current_in);
my @files_and_folder = readdir(DIR);
foreach my $entry (@files_and_folder)
    next if $entry eq '.' or $entry eq '..';
    next if -d $entry;
    push(@un_ext_file1, $entry);

##### check duplicate file name
my %seen;
my @file_test;
foreach my $file_name (@un_ext_file1)
    if ($file_name =~ /(.*)\.([a-z]+)$/)
        push (@file_test, $1);
        push (@file_test, $file_name);
foreach my $string (@file_test)
    next unless $seen{$string}++;
    print "'$string' is duplicated.\n";

##collect all file from array
foreach my $file_name (@un_ext_file1)
    my $REC_counter=0;
    if ($file_name =~ /(.*)\.([a-z]+)$/)               #####work for all extension
        my $file_name_with_out_ext = $1;
        my @modi_date_not_found;
        #####read source file

        #####First short file date wise (old date appear first then new date apper in last)
        ##### To get modifiedDate from the file
        open read_file, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', "$current_in/$file_name" || die "file found $!";
        my @Dt_ModifiedDate = grep { $_ =~ /MDT_([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+) ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+) ([A-Z]+)/i} <read_file>;
        my $doc_MD = new IO::File(">$current_ou/output/$file_name_with_out_ext.ModifiedDate");
        print $doc_MD @Dt_ModifiedDate;
        close (read_file);
        @Dt_ModifiedDate=undef;  ##### free after use
        print colored ['bold green'], ("\n\tAll ModifiedDate data Filtered\n\n");

        ##### To get un-modifiedDate from the file
        open read_file, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', "$current_in/$file_name" || die "file found $!";
        my @un_ModifiedDate = grep { $_ !~ /MDT_([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+) ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+) ([A-Z]+)/} <read_file>;
        my $doc_UMD = new IO::File(">$current_ou/output/$file_name_with_out_ext.unModifiedDate");
        print $doc_UMD @un_ModifiedDate;
        close (read_file);
        @un_ModifiedDate=undef;  ##### free after use
        print colored ['bold green'], ("\n\tAll unModifiedDate data Filtered\n\n\n\n");

        ##### Read ModifiedDate
        open read_file_ModifiedDate, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', "$current_ou/output/$file_name_with_out_ext.ModifiedDate" || die "file found $!";
        my @all_ModifiedDate = <read_file_ModifiedDate>;

        ##### write in sotred_data file ModifiedDate after sorting all data.
        my $doc1 = new IO::File(">$current_ou/output/$file_name_with_out_ext.sorted_data");
        print $doc1 sort { (toISO8601($a)) cmp (toISO8601($b)) } @all_ModifiedDate;

        ##### Read sorted_data and do in reverse order and then read unModifiedDate data and write in final file.
        open read_file_ModifiedDate, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', "$current_ou/output/$file_name_with_out_ext.sorted_data" || die "file found $!";
        my @all_sorted_data = <read_file_ModifiedDate>;
        @all_sorted_data = reverse (@all_sorted_data);

        open read_file_ModifiedDate, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', "$current_ou/output/$file_name_with_out_ext.unModifiedDate" || die "file found $!";
        my @all_unModifiedDate = <read_file_ModifiedDate>;

        my $doc_final = new IO::File(">$current_ou/output/$1.txt");
        print $doc_final @all_sorted_data;
        print $doc_final @all_unModifiedDate;


#####Process Complete.
say "\n\n---------------------------------------------";
print colored ['bold green'], ("\tProcess Completed\n");
say "---------------------------------------------\n";


sub toISO8601
    my $record = shift;
    $record =~ /MDT_([^\|]+)/;
    return(Time::Piece->strptime($1, '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p')->datetime);

sub get_time
    my $end_run = time();
    my $run_time = $end_run - our $start_run;
    #my $days = int($sec/(24*60*60));
    my $hours = ($run_time/(60*60))%24;
    my $mins =($run_time/60)%60;
    my $secs = $run_time%60;

    print "\nJob took";
    print colored ['bold green'], (" $hours:$mins:$secs ");
    print "to complete this process\n";

    my $End = localtime;
    print colored ['bold green'], ("\nEnd time :- $End\n");

所有过程均在以下时间内完成: - 20分钟。

