Websphere 8.5在访问应用程序时崩溃

时间:2017-07-13 12:01:07

标签: crash websphere

我有一个EAR,在部署到WAS 8.5之后看起来很好。但在访问几分钟后,服务器会自动重启。在native_stdout中捕获的异常显示日志如下:

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGBUS (0xa) at pc=0x001ffffeff3e6ea0, pid=15451, tid=239
# JRE version: 7.0_17-b02
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (23.7-b01 mixed mode solaris-sparc compressed oops)
# Problematic frame:
# C  [libc.so.1+0xe6ea0]# [ timer expired, abort... ]
[7/13/17 18:32:28:111 SGT] 00000001 ManagerAdmin  I   TRAS0018I: The trace state has changed. The new trace state is *=info.
[7/13/17 18:32:28:520 SGT] 00000001 ManagerAdmin  A   TRAS0007I: Logging to the service log is disabled
[7/13/17 18:32:28:731 SGT] 00000001 ProviderTrack I com.ibm.ffdc.osgi.ProviderTracker AddingService FFDC1007I: FFDC Provider Installed:


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