
时间:2017-07-14 07:56:20

标签: javascript design-patterns promise bluebird



每个模块都有自己独立的职责,并根据需要利用其他模块的功能。例如,我有一个控制器模块,用于管理用户注册表单和验证。该控制器与服务模块一起工作,该服务模块与紧邻的模块进行无人通信。然后该服务模块使用远程模块,该模块通过第三方库处理与整个应用程序的服务器的所有远程通信。该库产生了promises ...所以我的每个模块都处理它们从服务器查询返回的部分结果,因为它返回(在这种情况下)表单控制器。

问题是,我的代码的一部分是以某种方式设法不处理被拒绝的承诺。蓝鸟正在抛出一个" PossiblyUnhandledRejection"事件。在仔细检查了通常的嫌疑人(错别字,错过的分号,缺少括号,==而不是===,忘记返回/抛出/捕获等)并试图找到我是否正在做的明确确认有些不对劲(或者即使只有一个更标准化的"被接受的模式用于此)我还有bupkis。


/*** form controller ***/

 * setup and control form display

function isUnameAvailable(formData) {
     * do stuff with data to collected from the form (or not, depending on 
     * form data)
     * formData -> userDetails

    return formService.getUser(userDetails)
        .then((data) => {
             * do stuff with data returned by the server

            // create new promise with results
            return data; 

        }).catch((err) => {
             * attempt to recover from the error.

            // handle promise as an error in all remaining cases, by logging 
            // it and displaying an error dialog

            // make it clear to bluebird that promises have been handled as 
            // intended (one of many "solutions" that have solved nothing)


/*** form service module ***/

 * setup data to be held and provide methods for working with it

function getUser(userDetails) {
     * do stuff with data to be sent to server (and more/or not, depending
     * on various considerations)

    return remote.find('user', userDetails)
        .then((data) => {
             * do stuff with data returned by server

            // if the results are properly formed and as expected create new 
            // promise containing data to be used by the controller
            return data;

        }).catch((err) => {

            // create new rejected promise to be handled further up the
            // chain. In this case, we can't do much with it here.
            throw err;


/*** remote service module ***/

 * setup 3rd party module to communicate as required with remote server

function find(remoteModel, searchCriteria) {
     * Collect data about the remote request to held handle rejections

    return thirdPartyLib[ remoteModel ].find(searchCriteria)
        .then((data) => {
             * check and clean data returned by server

            // if the results are properly formed and as expected create
            // new promise containing data to be used by the form service
            return data;

        }).catch((err) => {
             * check remote error and try to recover if possible (e.g. retry 
             * the server if it makes sense to). if not possible, format
             * returned error data in a consistent form for use elsewhere in
             * the application

            // create new rejected promise containing our custom error
            // (which is, indeed, an instance of Error)
            throw new CustomError(modifiedError);


Bluebird文档在这个问题上有点神秘,saying" ...因为在不确定的未来任何时候都可以处理被拒绝的承诺,一些编程模式会导致误报。因为这些编程模式不是必需的,并且总是可以重构以永远不会导致误报,所以我们建议这样做以尽可能简化调试。"

嗯,gee willikers先生......这当然是非常重要的,但它也完全没有用。这是其中一种模式吗?我在哪里可以找到答案?我应该使用应该的模式?几天谷歌搜索和浏览StackExchange后来我有一些消息来源似乎意味着我在做什么应该工作,但没有确切的答案我的具体问题。更糟糕的是,我上面描述的模式实际上在应用程序的其他部分中工作得很好,只是为了在这里神秘地发现错误。它实际上仍然有效...它只是在控制台上填充了不应该出现的错误。



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