
时间:2017-07-18 08:37:58

标签: java html hashmap velocity

如何在力度模板中迭代嵌套地图? 我有

HashMap<String, HashMap<String, HashMap<String, List<MealPlanGroup>>>> termPlans=new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, HashMap<String, List<MealPlanGroup>>>>(); 


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


#foreach( $level1 in $termPlans )
    <!-- Iterating over the values of the first Map level -->
    #foreach( $level2 in $level1 )
        <!-- Iterating over the values of the second Map level -->
        #foreach( $list in $level2 )
            <!-- Iterating over the values of the third Map level -->
            #foreach( $mealPlanGroup in $list )
                <!-- Iterating over the values of the List -->
                $mealPlanGroup.id <br/>


#foreach( $level1Entry in $termPlans.entrySet() )
    <!-- Iterating over the values of the first Map level -->
    Level 1 key is $level1Entry.getKey()

    #foreach( $level2Entry in $level1Entry.getValue().entrySet() )
        Level 2 key is $level2Entry.getKey()

        <!-- Iterating over the values of the second Map level -->
        #foreach( $level3Entry in $level2Entry.getValue().entrySet() )
            Level 3 key is $level3Entry.getKey()

            <!-- Iterating over the values of the third Map level -->
            #foreach( $mealPlanGroup in $level3Entry.getValue() )
                <!-- Iterating over the values of the List -->
                $mealPlanGroup.id <br/>