Android Room Persistance Library

时间:2017-07-18 16:29:51

标签: android android-room

我是Room的新手,@ Relation对我来说并不清楚。 如果我理解正确,我有实体,例如(RSS)ChannelEntity,channel有名为ItemEntity的项目。 这些是带有@Entity注释的类。 我也有一个POJO到" connect"我的诱惑。我的意思是我写这样的POJO:

public class Channel { 

   private ChannelEntity channel;

// Link is the primary key in ChannelyEntity
   @Relation (parentColumn = "link", entityColumn = "channel_link")
   private ArrayList<ItemEntity> items;

// Getters and Setters are here


public interface ChannelDao {

    @Query("SELECT * FROM channels WHERE link = :link LIMIT 1")
    Channel getChannelById(String link);

    @Query("SELECT * FROM channels")
    ArrayList<Channel> getAllChannels();



@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
void createChannels(Channel... channels);


void deleteChannels(Channel... channels);


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我更新了我的课程,因为@CommonsWare提供了建议。 现在我有@Embedded对象的实体类:

    @Entity (tableName = "channels")
public class ChannelEntity {
    // Required channel elements
    // The name of the channel. It's how people refer to your service.
    private String title;
    // The URL of the HTML website corresponding to the channel
    private String link;
    //other fileds
    private TextInputEntity textInputEntity;
    private ImageEntity imageEntity;
    //getters and setters


// Specifies a text input box displayed with the channel.
// Embedded in ChannelEntity
public class TextInputEntity {
    // Required elements
    // The label of the Submit button in the text input area.
    private String title;
    // Explains the text input aera.
    private String description;
    // The name of the text object int hte text input area.
    private String name;
    // The URL of the CGI script that processes the text input request
    private String link;
    @ColumnInfo (name = "channel_link")
    private String channelLink;

我已经为所有类编写了带有@Entity注释的daos(我称之为嵌入式类实体,即使它们不是,但我有视图的模型类,我不想在以后混淆它们。)< / p>


// All items are optional, but at least one of title or description must be presented.
@Entity (tableName = "items"
        , foreignKeys = @ForeignKey (entity = Channel.class
        , parentColumns = "link"
        , childColumns = "channel_link"))
public class ItemEntity {
    @PrimaryKey (autoGenerate = true)
    private int id;
    // Title of the item
    private String title;
    // Other fileds
    @ColumnInfo (name = "channel_link")
    private String channelLink;
    // Getters and setters


public class Channel {
    private ChannelEntity channel;
    @Relation (parentColumn = "link", entityColumn = "channel_link")
    private ArrayList<ItemEntity> items;
    @Relation (parentColumn = "link", entityColumn = "channel_link")
    private ArrayList<SkipDayEntity> skipDays;
    @Relation (parentColumn = "link", entityColumn = "channel_link")
    private ArrayList<SkipHourEntity> skipHours;
//Setters and getters


public interface ChannelDao {
    @Insert (onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
    void insertChannel(ChannelEntity channel);

    void updateChannel(ChannelEntity channel);

    void deleteChannel(ChannelEntity channel);

    @Query ("SELECT * FROM channles WHERE link = :link LIMIT 1")
    Channel getChannelByLink(String link);

    @Query ("SELECT * FROM channels")
    LiveData<ArrayList<Channel>> getAllChannels();