
时间:2017-07-20 10:30:44

标签: excel vba excel-vba excel-formula

我有一个包含4个工作表的工作簿,所有工作表都在第5行有日期,在D列说明。在日期旁边的单元格中,该人将放置'ET','LT','EG',' 1ET','2LT'或者它们会留空。



 Sub test()
     Dim summarySheet As Worksheet
     Dim sh As Worksheet
     Dim j As Integer

        'change "Summary" to the sheet name that is true for you'
        Set summarySheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Summary")

        'number of first row where need to paste in summary sheet'
        j = 2

       'loop throught all sheets'
       For Each sh In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
           If sh.Name <> summarySheet.Name Then
               summarySheet.Range("B" & j & ":AF" & j).Value = _
               j = j + 1
           End If
End Sub


    Sheet 1
Row 5   1ET 2LT 3ET 4 5 6  7ET 8ET         
Row 37  16  32   2         45  67  

Sheet 2

Row 5    1 2  3LT 4ET 5ET 6LT 7 8LT 
Row 37        23  33 13  22     34


        ET  LT
   1    16  
   2        32
   3    2   23
   4    33  
   5    13  
   7    45  
   8    67  34  

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我不完全明白你要做什么。您的代码将范围完全复制到摘要表,但看起来您想要转换它们的结果 - 数字/日期在行中向下而不是跨行。另外,你说&#34;日期&#34;但是在摘要表上有数字1-9,并且在Sheet1和Sheet2上有数字1-9。我也分不清楚哪一列&#34;对应&#34;第37行的值是。

因此,此代码可能不适合您,因为它基于以下假设:1)您不希望D5:AH5从每张纸张准确粘贴到汇总表上; 2)因为他们是你提到的唯一标准,&#34; ET&#34;和&#34; LT&#34;是&#34; date&#34;旁边的唯一代码你关心的; 3)第37行中的值与&#34; date&#34;在同一列中; 4)&​​#34; 1ET&#34;和&#34; 2LT&#34;在您的数据中代表&#34; 1&#34;在D5,&#34; ET&#34;在E5中,&#34; 2&#34;在F5中,&#34; LT&#34;在G5中,依此类推; 5)因为您使用了数字1-9,所以通过采用&#34; date&#34;来确定从第37行粘贴值的行。并添加1.如果您有实际日期,则需要更改pasteRow的逻辑。

Sub test()
    Dim summarySheet As Worksheet
    Dim sh As Worksheet
    Dim searchRng As Range
    Dim dateCell As Range
    Dim pasteCol As Integer
    Dim copyRow As Integer
    Dim pasteRow as integer

    'change "Summary" to the sheet name that is true for you'
    Set summarySheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Summary")

    'the "corresponding row" to copy
    copyRow = 37

    'loop throught all sheets'
    For Each sh In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        If sh.Name <> summarySheet.Name Then
            'set the range that we are using
            Set searchRng = sh.Range("D5:AH5")

            For Each cell In searchRng
                'loop through the range and check if it has the desired key value
                If cell.Value = "ET" Or cell.Value = "LT" Then
                    'set which column on SummarySheet will get the value
                    If cell.Value = "ET" Then
                        'column B, ie column #2
                        pasteCol = 2
                    ElseIf cell.Value = "LT" Then
                        'column C, ie column #3
                        pasteCol = 3
                    End If
                    'set the cell containing the date - assumes is to the left of our key value cell
                    Set dateCell = cell.Offset(0, -1)
                    'set row # to paste to, ie if the value in dateCell is 9, then paste to row 10
                     pasteRow = dateCell.Value + 1
                    'set the value on summarySheet using the value in dateCell + 1 for our row number
                    'and dateCell's column with copyRow to get our "corresponding" value
                    summarySheet.Range(Cells(pasteRow, pasteCol).Address).Value = _
                            sh.Range(Cells(copyRow, dateCell.Column).Address)
               End If
            Next cell
        End If
End Sub


Sub test()
    Dim summarySheet As Worksheet
    Dim sh As Worksheet
    Dim searchRng As Range
    Dim dateNum As Integer
    Dim pasteCol As Integer
    Dim copyRow As Integer
    Dim pasteRow As Integer
    Dim c As Range
    Dim oldVal As Integer

    'change "Summary" to the sheet name that is true for you'
    Set summarySheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Summary")
    'clear current value on summarySheet
    summarySheet.Range("C3:D33").Value = ""

    'loop throught all sheets'
    For Each sh In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        If sh.Name <> summarySheet.Name Then
            'set the range that we are using
            Set searchRng = sh.Range("D5:AH5")

            'the "corresponding row" to copy
            With sh.Range("C:C")
                Set c = .Find("Number of staff")
                If Not c Is Nothing Then
                    copyRow = c.Row
                End If
            End With

            For Each cell In searchRng
                'loop through the range and check if it has the desired key value
                If cell.Value Like "*ET" Or cell.Value Like "*LT" Then
                    'set which column on SummarySheet will get the value
                    If cell.Value Like "*ET" Then
                        'column C, so column #3
                        pasteCol = 3
                    ElseIf cell.Value Like "*LT" Then
                        'column D, so column #4
                        pasteCol = 4
                    End If
                    'get the date from the cell
                    dateNum = Val(cell.Value)
                    If dateNum = 0 Then
                        MsgBox "Sheet " & sh.Name & " cell " & cell.Address & " is missing date.  Please fill in and run again."
                        Exit Sub
                    End If
                    'set row # to paste to, ie if the value in dateCell is 9, then paste to row 11
                     pasteRow = dateNum + 2
                    'set the value on summarySheet using cell's column with copyRow to get our "corresponding" value
                    oldVal = summarySheet.Range(Cells(pasteRow, pasteCol).Address).Value
                    summarySheet.Range(Cells(pasteRow, pasteCol).Address).Value = _
                            sh.Range(Cells(copyRow, cell.Column).Address).Value + oldVal
               End If
            Next cell
        End If
     MsgBox "Complete"
End Sub

答案 1 :(得分:0)

 Option Explicit
 Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
 Dim r As Range, rng As Range, snRow As Range, x As Integer
 For x = 1 To Sheets.Count
If Sheets(x).Name <> "Summary" Then
    With Sheets(Sheets(x).Name)
        With .Range("C:C")
            Set snRow = .Find("Number of staff", LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
        End With
        Set rng = .Range("D5", "AH5")
        For Each r In rng
            If InStr(1, r.Value, "LT") > 0 Then
                Sheets("Summary").Cells(5, r.Column - 1) = .Cells(snRow.Row, r.Column).Value
            ElseIf InStr(1, r.Value, "ET") > 0 Then
                Sheets("Summary").Cells(4, r.Column - 1) = .Cells(snRow.Row, r.Column).Value
            End If
    End With
End If
End Sub

