
时间:2017-07-20 23:55:57

标签: vba excel-vba excel


  • 浏览工作表“数据库”
  • 中的“类别”列
  • 保存这些'字符串'值
  • 将“类别”列中的值与“行业”表单中的“零售业务”列进行比较
  • 如果两个字符串类型值之间匹配,请将值“Retail Trade”粘贴到工作表“Database”的第J列中


Sub IndustryMatch()

   Dim ws As Worksheet
   Dim sh1 As Worksheet
   Dim sh3 As Worksheet
   Dim Wbk As Workbook

   Set Wbk = ActiveWorkbook
   Set sh1 = Wbk.Sheets("Database")
   Set sh3 = Wbk.Sheets("Industry")


   Dim row As Integer
   Dim col As Integer
   'Dim currentK As String

   Dim numRowsK As String

   numRowsK = Wbk.Worksheets("Database").Range("K2",                                                                           


For a = 1 To numRowsK + 1 'start at 1 because it is the first row. This will loop through Column K

    'currentK = Wbk.Sheets("Database").Cells(k, "Category").Value 'Save the current value in column K

    numRowsG = Wbk.Worksheets("Industry").Range("G2", Range("G2").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count

    For c = 1 To numRowsG + 1 'start at 1 because it is the first row. This will loop through Column G

        If (Wbk.Sheets("Industry").Cells(g, "G").Value = Wbk.Sheets("Database").Cells(k, "K").Value) Then 'Check if the col G value is equal to the current col K value.
            Wbk.Sheets("Database").Cells(j, "J").Value = Wbk.Sheets("Database").Cells(g, "G").Value  'If so copy to column J

        End If

    Next c

Next a

End Sub


编辑:这是正确的代码,但需要再添加一个“For Loop”来浏览另一列。我没有错误,但当我进入它时,代码跳过了'For Loop'我添加了:

Sub IndustryMatch()

Dim wBk As Workbook

    Set wBk = ActiveWorkbook

    Dim dbSht As Worksheet
    Set dbSht = wBk.Sheets("Database")

    Dim indSht As Worksheet
    Set indSht = wBk.Sheets("Industry")

    Dim numRowsK As String

    numRowsK = dbSht.Range("K2", dbSht.Range("K2").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count

    Dim g As Integer
    Dim k As Integer
    Dim i As Integer

    For k = 1 To numRowsK + 1                                                ' start at first row. loop Column K

        numRowsG = indSht.Range("G2", Range("G2").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count

        For g = 1 To numRowsG + 1                                            ' start at first row. loop Column G

            If (indSht.Cells(g, "G").Value = dbSht.Cells(k, "K").Value) Then ' Check if the col G value is equal to the current col K value.
                dbSht.Cells(k, "J").Value = "Retail Trade"

        numRowsI = indSht.Range("I2", Range("I2").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count

          **For i = 1 To numRowsI + 1                                            ' start at first row. loop Column I

            If (indSht.Cells(i, "I").Value = dbSht.Cells(k, "K").Value) Then ' Check if the col I value is equal to the current col K value.
                dbSht.Cells(k, "J").Value = "Services"**

            End If

            Next i

            End If

        Next g

    Next k

End Sub

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




_numRows = _行分为两个




Sub IndustryMatch()

    Dim wBk As Workbook
    Set wBk = ActiveWorkbook

    Dim dbSht As Worksheet
    Set dbSht = wBk.Sheets("Database")

    Dim indSht As Worksheet
    Set indSht = wBk.Sheets("Industry")

'   dbSht.Activate                                                           ' no need for this

'   Dim currentK As String
    Dim numRowsK As String

    numRowsK = dbSht.Range("K2", dbSht.Range("K2").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count

    Dim g As Integer
    Dim k As Integer

    For k = 1 To numRowsK + 1                                                ' start at first row. loop Column K
'       currentK = dbSht.Cells(k, "Category").Value                          ' Save the current value in column K
'       indSht.Activate                                                      ' no need for this

        numRowsG = indSht.Range("G2", Range("G2").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count

        For g = 1 To numRowsG + 1                                            ' start at first row. loop Column G

            If (indSht.Cells(g, "G").Value = dbSht.Cells(k, "K").Value) Then ' Check if the col G value is equal to the current col K value.
                dbSht.Cells(k, "J").Value = dbSht.Cells(g, "G").Value        ' If so copy to column J
            End If
        Next g
    Next k
End Sub