
时间:2017-07-23 21:24:44

标签: vulkan

我对Vulkan vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer函数有疑问。根据传递给此函数的imageExtent VkBufferImageCopy VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_*成员...



但是,在尝试复制未压缩的imageExtent 2D图像的颜色方面时,只会读取1/4的图像。如果我将VK_FORMAT_R32G32_*的字段乘以4,则会读取整个图像。 另一方面,如果我将图像格式更改为例如VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_*,我可以检测到图像的一半被读取。在我看来,除非我使用package MegaPackage; import java.util.*; import processing.core.PApplet; import processing.core.PImage; //Main method. Insert public variables and entities here. public class FlatShooter extends PApplet { PImage background; PImage squareImage; PImage life1Image; PImage life2Image; PImage life3Image; PImage redEnemyImage; public float xSpeedPlayer = 9; public int score; public int enemies; public int lives; public boolean moving = false; public boolean moving2 = false; public Square square; public void setup(){ size(900, 900); background=loadImage("background.jpeg"); squareImage=loadImage("player.png"); life1Image=loadImage("life.png"); life2Image=loadImage("life.png"); life3Image=loadImage("life.png"); square = new Square(squareImage, (width-100)/2, height * 4/5); } //Movement for player and other items public void keyPressed(){ if( key == 'd' || key == 'D'){ moving = true; } if(key == 'a' || key == 'A'){ moving2 = true; } } //Stopping movement for players and other items public void keyReleased(){ if( key == 'd' || key == 'D'){ moving = false; } if(key == 'a' || key == 'A'){ moving2 = false; } } public class Square{ PImage square; float xPos; float yPos; public Square(PImage squareImage, float startX, float startY){ square=squareImage; xPos=startX; yPos=startY; } public void drawSquare(){ image(square, xPos, yPos); } } public void move(float x, float y){ if(moving){ x += xSpeedPlayer; } if (moving2){ x-= xSpeedPlayer; } } } 作为图像的颜色方面,否则函数会出现异常。




编辑:顺便说一句,LunarG Vulkan SDK验证图层没有错误/警告/性能警告。

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