Xcode 9的XPC连接中断

时间:2017-07-25 19:14:17

标签: ios swift xcode

我是Xcode和swift的新手。我正在尝试构建一个tic-tac-toe应用程序,但是当我运行它时,没有任何反应。屏幕是黑色的。然后在调试区域中显示:" XPC连接中断。"我尝试重新启动模拟器和我的电脑。同样的事情仍然发生。 万一你需要它,这是我的代码:

//  ViewController.swift
//  TicTacToe
//  Created by Will kaminski on 7/17/17.
//  Copyright © 2017 Will kaminski. All rights reserved.

import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

@IBOutlet weak var webview: UIWebView!

@IBOutlet weak var Winner: UILabel!

@IBAction func Buttonbr(_ sender: Any) {
@IBOutlet weak var Buttonbr1: UIButton!

@IBAction func Buttonbm(_ sender: Any) {
@IBOutlet weak var Buttonbm1: UIButton!

@IBAction func Buttonbl(_ sender: Any) {
@IBOutlet weak var Buttonbl1: UIButton!

@IBAction func Buttonmr(_ sender: Any) {
@IBOutlet weak var Buttonmr1: UIButton!

@IBAction func Buttonm(_ sender: Any) {
@IBOutlet weak var Buttonm1: UIButton!

@IBAction func Buttonml(_ sender: Any) {
@IBOutlet weak var Buttonml1: UIButton!

@IBAction func Buttontr(_ sender: Any) {
@IBOutlet weak var Buttontr1: UIButton!

@IBAction func Buttontm(_ sender: Any) {
@IBOutlet weak var Buttontm1: UIButton!

@IBAction func Buttontl(_ sender: Any) {
@IBOutlet weak var Buttontl1: UIButton!

let X = "X"

let O = "O"

var Gameover = false

//X and O buttons

@IBAction func Obutton(_ sender: Any)
    while Gameover == false
    if (sender as AnyObject).tag == 1
        Buttontl1.setTitle("/(O)", for: UIControlState.normal)
    else if (sender as AnyObject).tag == 2
        Buttontm1.setTitle("/(O)", for: UIControlState.normal)
    else if (sender as AnyObject).tag == 3
        Buttontr1.setTitle("/(O)", for: UIControlState.normal)
    else if (sender as AnyObject).tag == 4
        Buttonml1.setTitle("/(O)", for: UIControlState.normal)
    else if (sender as AnyObject).tag == 5
        Buttonm1.setTitle("/(O)", for: UIControlState.normal)
    else if (sender as AnyObject).tag == 6
        Buttonmr1.setTitle("/(O)", for: UIControlState.normal)
    else if (sender as AnyObject).tag == 7
        Buttonbl1.setTitle("/(O)", for: UIControlState.normal)
    else if (sender as AnyObject).tag == 8
        Buttonbm1.setTitle("/(O)", for: UIControlState.normal)
    else if (sender as AnyObject).tag == 9
        Buttonbr1.setTitle("/(O)", for: UIControlState.normal)

@IBAction func Xbutton(_ sender: Any)
     while Gameover == false
    if (sender as AnyObject).tag == 1
       Buttontl1.setTitle("/(X)", for: UIControlState.normal)
    else if (sender as AnyObject).tag == 2
        Buttontm1.setTitle("/(X)", for: UIControlState.normal)
    else if (sender as AnyObject).tag == 3
        Buttontr1.setTitle("/(X)", for: UIControlState.normal)
    else if (sender as AnyObject).tag == 4
        Buttonml1.setTitle("/(X)", for: UIControlState.normal)
    else if (sender as AnyObject).tag == 5
        Buttonm1.setTitle("/(X)", for: UIControlState.normal)
    else if (sender as AnyObject).tag == 6
        Buttonmr1.setTitle("/(X)", for: UIControlState.normal)
    else if (sender as AnyObject).tag == 7
        Buttonbl1.setTitle("/(X)", for: UIControlState.normal)
    else if (sender as AnyObject).tag == 8
        Buttonbm1.setTitle("/(X)", for: UIControlState.normal)
    else if (sender as AnyObject).tag == 9
        Buttonbr1.setTitle("/(X)", for: UIControlState.normal)

//X and O buttons

@IBAction func Reset(_ sender: Any)
    Buttontl1.setTitle(" ", for: UIControlState.normal)
    Buttontm1.setTitle(" ", for: UIControlState.normal)
    Buttontr1.setTitle(" ", for: UIControlState.normal)
    Buttonml1.setTitle(" ", for: UIControlState.normal)
    Buttonm1.setTitle(" ", for: UIControlState.normal)
    Buttonmr1.setTitle(" ", for: UIControlState.normal)
    Buttonbl1.setTitle(" ", for: UIControlState.normal)
    Buttonbm1.setTitle(" ", for: UIControlState.normal)
    Buttonbr1.setTitle(" ", for: UIControlState.normal)
    Winner.text = (" ")

override func viewDidLoad() {
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

    while Gameover == false
    //Winner X
    if Buttontl1.currentTitle == "X" && Buttontm1.currentTitle == "X" && Buttontr1.currentTitle == "X"
        Winner.text = "Player X wins!"
        Gameover = true
    else if Buttonml1.currentTitle == "X" && Buttonm1.currentTitle == "X" && Buttonmr1.currentTitle == "X"
        Winner.text = "Player X wins!"
        Gameover = true
    else if Buttonbl1.currentTitle == "X" && Buttonbm1.currentTitle == "X" && Buttonbr1.currentTitle == "X"
        Winner.text = "Player X wins!"
        Gameover = true
    else if Buttontl1.currentTitle == "X" && Buttonml1.currentTitle == "X" && Buttonbl1.currentTitle == "X"
        Winner.text = "Player X wins!"
        Gameover = true
    else if Buttontm1.currentTitle == "X" && Buttonm1.currentTitle == "X" && Buttonbm1.currentTitle == "X"
        Winner.text = "Player X wins!"
        Gameover = true
    else if Buttontr1.currentTitle == "X" && Buttonmr1.currentTitle == "X" && Buttonbr1.currentTitle == "X"
        Winner.text = "Player X wins!"
        Gameover = true
    else if Buttontl1.currentTitle == "X" && Buttonm1.currentTitle == "X" && Buttonbr1.currentTitle == "X"
        Winner.text = "Player X wins!"
        Gameover = true
    else if Buttontr1.currentTitle == "X" && Buttonm1.currentTitle == "X" && Buttonbl1.currentTitle == "X"
        Winner.text = "Player X wins!"
        Gameover = true
    // Winner X

    // Winner O
    if Buttontl1.currentTitle == "O" && Buttontm1.currentTitle == "O" && Buttontr1.currentTitle == "O"
        Winner.text = "Player O wins!"
        Gameover = true
    else if Buttonml1.currentTitle == "O" && Buttonm1.currentTitle == "O" && Buttonmr1.currentTitle == "O"
        Winner.text = "Player O wins!"
        Gameover = true
    else if Buttonbl1.currentTitle == "O" && Buttonbm1.currentTitle == "O" && Buttonbr1.currentTitle == "O"
        Winner.text = "Player O wins!"
        Gameover = true
    else if Buttontl1.currentTitle == "O" && Buttonml1.currentTitle == "O" && Buttonbl1.currentTitle == "O"
        Winner.text = "Player O wins!"
        Gameover = true
    else if Buttontm1.currentTitle == "O" && Buttonm1.currentTitle == "O" && Buttonbm1.currentTitle == "O"
        Winner.text = "Player O wins!"
        Gameover = true
    else if Buttontr1.currentTitle == "O" && Buttonmr1.currentTitle == "O" && Buttonbr1.currentTitle == "O"
        Winner.text = "Player O wins!"
        Gameover = true
    else if Buttontl1.currentTitle == "O" && Buttonm1.currentTitle == "O" && Buttonbr1.currentTitle == "O"
        Winner.text = "Player O wins!"
        Gameover = true
    else if Buttontr1.currentTitle == "O" && Buttonm1.currentTitle == "O" && Buttonbl1.currentTitle == "O"
        Winner.text = "Player O wins!"
        Gameover = true
    // Winner O

    let url = NSURL(string: "http://www.sweetoothdesign.com/games-tic-tac-toe")!
    let request = NSURLRequest(url: url as URL)
    webview.loadRequest(request as URLRequest)

override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
    // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.



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