DIY bootloader找不到可启动媒体

时间:2017-07-27 14:16:05

标签: c gcc linker



/* generate 16 bit code                                                 */
/* jump to main function or program code                                */
__asm__("jmpl $0x0000, $main\n");

#define MAX_COLS     320 /* maximum columns of the screen               */
#define MAX_ROWS     200 /* maximum rows of the screen                  */

/* function to print string onto the screen                             */
/* input ah = 0x0e                                                      */
/* input al = <character to print>                                      */
/* interrupt: 0x10                                                      */
/* we use interrupt 0x10 with function code 0x0e to print               */
/* a byte in al onto the screen                                         */
/* this function takes string as an argument and then                   */
/* prints character by character until it founds null                   */
/* character                                                            */
void printString(const char* pStr) {
     while(*pStr) {
          __asm__ __volatile__ (
               "int $0x10" : : "a"(0x0e00 | *pStr), "b"(0x0007)

/* function to get a keystroke from the keyboard                        */
/* input ah = 0x00                                                      */
/* input al = 0x00                                                      */
/* interrupt: 0x10                                                      */
/* we use this function to hit a key to continue by the                 */
/* user                                                                                    */
void getch() {
     __asm__ __volatile__ (
          "xorw %ax, %ax\n"
          "int $0x16\n"

/* function to print a colored pixel onto the screen                    */
/* at a given column and at a given row                                 */
/* input ah = 0x0c                                                      */
/* input al = desired color                                             */
/* input cx = desired column                                            */
/* input dx = desired row                                               */
/* interrupt: 0x10                                                      */
void drawPixel(unsigned char color, int col, int row) {
     __asm__ __volatile__ (
          "int $0x10" : : "a"(0x0c00 | color), "c"(col), "d"(row)

/* function to clear the screen and set the video mode to               */
/* 320x200 pixel format                                                 */
/* function to clear the screen as below                                */
/* input ah = 0x00                                                      */
/* input al = 0x03                                                      */
/* interrupt = 0x10                                                     */
/* function to set the video mode as below                              */
/* input ah = 0x00                                                      */
/* input al = 0x13                                                      */
/* interrupt = 0x10                                                     */
void initEnvironment() {
     /* clear screen                                                    */
     __asm__ __volatile__ (
          "int $0x10" : : "a"(0x03)
     __asm__ __volatile__ (
          "int $0x10" : : "a"(0x0013)

/* function to print rectangles in descending order of                  */
/* their sizes                                                          */
/* I follow the below sequence                                          */
/* (left, top)     to (left, bottom)                                    */
/* (left, bottom)  to (right, bottom)                                   */
/* (right, bottom) to (right, top)                                      */
/* (right, top)    to (left, top)                                       */
void initGraphics() {
     int i = 0, j = 0;
     int m = 0;
     int cnt1 = 0, cnt2 =0;
     unsigned char color = 10;

     for(;;) {
          if(m < (MAX_ROWS - m)) {
          if(m < (MAX_COLS - m - 3)) {

          if(cnt1 != cnt2) {
               cnt1  = 0;
               cnt2  = 0;
               m     = 0;
               if(++color > 255) color= 0;

          /* (left, top) to (left, bottom)                              */
          j = 0;
          for(i = m; i < MAX_ROWS - m; ++i) {
               drawPixel(color, j+m, i);
          /* (left, bottom) to (right, bottom)                          */
          for(j = m; j < MAX_COLS - m; ++j) {
               drawPixel(color, j, i);

          /* (right, bottom) to (right, top)                            */
          for(i = MAX_ROWS - m - 1 ; i >= m; --i) {
               drawPixel(color, MAX_COLS - m - 1, i);
          /* (right, top)   to (left, top)                              */
          for(j = MAX_COLS - m - 1; j >= m; --j) {
               drawPixel(color, j, m);
          m += 6;
          if(++color > 255)  color = 0;

/* function is boot code and it calls the below functions               */
/* print a message to the screen to make the user hit the               */
/* key to proceed further and then once the user hits then              */
/* it displays rectangles in the descending order                       */
void main() {
     printString("Now in bootloader...hit a key to continue\n\r");


    . = 0x7C00;
    .text : AT(0x7C00)
    .sig : AT(0x7DFE)



gcc -c -g -Os -m32 -ffreestanding -Wall -Werror test.c -o test.o


ld -m elf_i386 -static -Ttest.ld -nostdlib --nmagic -o test.elf test.o


objcopy -O binary test.elf test.bin



但是,当我输入第二个命令“ld -m elf_i386 -static -Ttest.ld -nostdlib --nmagic -o test.elf test.o”时,输出为:


ld:section .sig LMA [0000000000007dfe,0000000000007dff]重叠部分.eh_frame LMA [0000000000007d58,0000000000007e47]

本教程提供了另外三个c源代码,可以执行更简单的操作,例如print“X”和“hello world”,运行它们没有问题。我想也许它发生了,因为c源代码中的内容太多,所以我尝试更改.sig部分的起点。但是bochs说“没有可启动设备”。然后我尝试通过在第二个命令(链接器)中添加“-fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables”来擦除ehfram部分。但它仍然说“没有可启动设备”。我该怎么做才能让bochs正常运行?

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