无法使用ng-autocomplete 2

时间:2017-08-02 13:17:26

标签: angular autocomplete

尝试在此之后使用ng2-autocomplete: - https://www.npmjs.com/package/ng2-completer



Unhandled Promise rejection: Template parse errors:
Can't bind to 'datasource' since it isn't a known property of 'ng2-completer'.


import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { CompleterService, CompleterData } from 'ng2-completer';

  selector: 'app-component',
  template: `<h1>Search color</h1>
            <ng2-completer [(ngModel)]="searchStr" [datasource]="dataService" [minSearchLength]="0"></ng2-completer>
            <h1>Search captain</h1>
            <ng2-completer [(ngModel)]="captain" [datasource]="captains" [minSearchLength]="0"></ng2-completer>`
export class AppComponent {

  protected searchStr: string;
  protected captain: string;
  protected dataService: CompleterData;
  protected searchData = [
    { color: 'red', value: '#f00' },
    { color: 'green', value: '#0f0' },
    { color: 'blue', value: '#00f' },
    { color: 'cyan', value: '#0ff' },
    { color: 'magenta', value: '#f0f' },
    { color: 'yellow', value: '#ff0' },
    { color: 'black', value: '#000' }
  protected captains = ['James T. Kirk', 'Benjamin Sisko', 'Jean-Luc Picard', 'Spock', 'Jonathan Archer', 'Hikaru Sulu', 'Christopher Pike', 'Rachel Garrett' ];

  constructor(private completerService: CompleterService) {
    this.dataService = completerService.local(this.searchData, 'color', 'color');


import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { FormsModule,ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

imports: [ BrowserModule, FormsModule ],
declarations: [ AppComponent ],
bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]

export class AppModule { }

systemjs.config.js (我在这里添加了ng2-completer)

 * System configuration for Angular samples
 * Adjust as necessary for your application needs.
(function (global) {
    paths: {
      // paths serve as alias
      'npm:': 'node_modules/'
    // map tells the System loader where to look for things
    map: {
      // our app is within the app folder
      'app': 'app',

      **'ng2-completer': 'node_modules/ng2-completer/ng2-completer.umd.js',**

      // angular bundles
      '@angular/core': 'npm:@angular/core/bundles/core.umd.js',
      '@angular/common': 'npm:@angular/common/bundles/common.umd.js',
      '@angular/compiler': 'npm:@angular/compiler/bundles/compiler.umd.js',
      '@angular/platform-browser': 'npm:@angular/platform-browser/bundles/platform-browser.umd.js',
      '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic': 'npm:@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/bundles/platform-browser-dynamic.umd.js',
      '@angular/http': 'npm:@angular/http/bundles/http.umd.js',
      '@angular/router': 'npm:@angular/router/bundles/router.umd.js',
      '@angular/forms': 'npm:@angular/forms/bundles/forms.umd.js',

      // other libraries
      'rxjs':                      'npm:rxjs',
      'angular-in-memory-web-api': 'npm:angular-in-memory-web-api/bundles/in-memory-web-api.umd.js'
    // packages tells the System loader how to load when no filename and/or no extension
    packages: {
      app: {
        defaultExtension: 'js',
        meta: {
          './*.js': {
            loader: 'systemjs-angular-loader.js'
      rxjs: {
        defaultExtension: 'js'

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我能够解决这个问题: -



2。)在模块文件中: -

从“ng2-completer”导入{Ng2CompleterModule};加入 并且在NgModule的import []中添加Ng2CompleterModule以及