VB.NET" System.EntryPointNotFoundException"对于DLL中的函数但dumpbin / EXPORTS没有显示名称

时间:2017-08-02 16:53:35

标签: c# .net vb.net visual-c++ dll

我试图让我的VB.NET 2017 Windows窗体GUI调用由Inheco.com公司提供的DLL(InhecoMTCDLL.dll)中的函数。 Inheco说DLL使用C#app确定,但是示例C#程序不可用,并且没有DLL的源代码。他们说他们只支持C#而不支持VB。 我的应用程序是用VB.NET编写的。


dotPeek reports that DLL is:
x86  .NET Framework 3.5

My VB.NET app is:

    Target CPU is:  x86
    .NET Framework 4.5.1   (build fails for 3.5)

VB.NET DECLARATION ----------我的VB.NET声明是这样的:

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Module Thermoshake_Interface

    ' Function within DLL:  
    ' Public int FindTheUniversalControl(int ID);
    ' which corresponds to VB.NET declaration:                
    Public  Function FindTheUniversalControl(byval ID As Int32) As Int32
    End Function

End Module

VB调用DLL -----------而且,我的应用程序调用DLL中的函数是这样的:

Private Sub Button_test_Thermoshake_DLL_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button_test_Thermoshake_DLL.Click
    Stop ' and test!!!

    Dim Thermoshake_controller_ID_int32 as int32 = 0       
    Dim return_status As Int32
    return_status = Thermoshake_Interface.FindTheUniversalControl( Thermoshake_controller_ID_int32 )
    TextBox_Thermoshake_communication.Text &= "FindTheUniversalControl(0) returned " & return_status

End Sub

E R R O R ------------我得到的错误是:

"Unable to find an entry point named 'FindTheUniversalControl' in DLL 'InhecoMTCdll.dll'.":""}  System.EntryPointNotFoundException

D U M P B I N -----------下面的dumpbin输出显示没有导出的函数。 DLL源代码不可用。然而,dotPeek反编译它,我看到了'FindTheUniversalControl&#39;那里,但我不是dotPeek出口:

C:\PRIMARY\MUSE_BIO\WORK\SYSTEM GUI V1>dumpbin inhecomtcdll.dll /exports
Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.10.25019.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Dump of file inhecomtcdll.dll

File Type: DLL


        2000 .reloc
        2000 .rsrc
        6000 .text

D o t P e e k ------ dotPeek反编译函数及其类:

// Decompiled with JetBrains decompiler
// Type: InhecoMTCdll.GlobCom
// Assembly: InhecoMTCdll, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
// MVID: 054E16B0-4E1E-48C4-B9BF-9443EECE4E3D
// Assembly location: C:\PRIMARY\me\WORK\Thermoshake DLL project\InhecoMTCdll.dll

using HID_Test_Application;
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Timers;

namespace InhecoMTCdll
  [ComSourceInterfaces(typeof (InhecoMTCEvents))]
  public class GlobCom : InhecoMTCInterface
    private Hid _TTHID = new Hid();
    private DeviceManagement _MyDeviceManagement = new DeviceManagement();
    public System.Timers.Timer timerTimeout = new System.Timers.Timer();
    private WaitHandle[] waithandleTT = new WaitHandle[3];
    private IntPtr _DeviceNotificationHandle;
    public int _HIDHandle;
    public int _ReadHandle;
    public int _WriteHandle;
    private bool _MyDeviceDetected;
    private string _MyDevicePathName;
    private string wholeReply;
    private bool griechished;
    private byte finish;
    private int localDeviceID;
    public string puStrResult;
    private byte crc;
    private bool bResend;
    private string localMSG;

    public int FindTheUniversalControl(int ID)
      Guid empty = Guid.Empty;
      HidApiDeclarations.HidD_GetHidGuid(ref empty);
      string[] devicePathName = new string[128];
      int numberOfInputBuffers = 32;
      int num1 = 1003;
      int num2 = 8227 + ID;
      int num3 = 0;
      int num4 = 0;
      this.localDeviceID = ID;
      FileIOApiDeclarations.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes = new FileIOApiDeclarations.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES();
      this.timerTimeout.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(this.timerTimeout_Tick);
      if (this._MyDeviceManagement.FindDeviceFromGuid(empty, ref devicePathName))
        this.timerTimeout.Interval = 500.0;
        int index = 0;
          this._HIDHandle = FileIOApiDeclarations.CreateFile(devicePathName[index], 0U, 3U, ref lpSecurityAttributes, 3, 0U, 0);
          if (this._HIDHandle != -1)
            this._TTHID.DeviceAttributes.Size = Marshal.SizeOf((object) this._TTHID.DeviceAttributes);
            if (HidApiDeclarations.HidD_GetAttributes(this._HIDHandle, ref this._TTHID.DeviceAttributes) != 0)
              if ((int) this._TTHID.DeviceAttributes.VendorID == num1 & (int) this._TTHID.DeviceAttributes.ProductID == num2)
                this._MyDeviceDetected = true;
                this._MyDevicePathName = devicePathName[index];
                num4 = 1;
                this._MyDeviceDetected = false;
                num3 = FileIOApiDeclarations.CloseHandle(this._HIDHandle);
                num4 = 0;
              this._MyDeviceDetected = false;
              num3 = FileIOApiDeclarations.CloseHandle(this._HIDHandle);
              num4 = 0;
        while (!(this._MyDeviceDetected | index == devicePathName.Length));
      if (this._MyDeviceDetected)
        bool flag = this._MyDeviceManagement.RegisterForDeviceNotifications(this._MyDevicePathName, empty, ref this._DeviceNotificationHandle);
        this._TTHID.Capabilities = this._TTHID.GetDeviceCapabilities(this._HIDHandle);
        if (flag)
          this._TTHID.GetNumberOfInputBuffers(this._HIDHandle, ref numberOfInputBuffers);
          this._ReadHandle = FileIOApiDeclarations.CreateFile(this._MyDevicePathName, 2147483648U, 3U, ref lpSecurityAttributes, 3, 1073741824U, 0);
          if (this._ReadHandle != -1)
            this._WriteHandle = FileIOApiDeclarations.CreateFile(this._MyDevicePathName, 1073741824U, 3U, ref lpSecurityAttributes, 3, 0U, 0);
      return num4;

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