C#Selenium WebDriver连续运行时测试失败但单独运行时成功

时间:2017-08-16 09:44:58

标签: c# selenium selenium-webdriver selenium-chromedriver socketexception



Feature: BleKeys beheren
Het beheren van BLE-keys
d.m.v. de WebInterface.

Scenario: BLE-key toevoegen aan database
    Given I'm at the BleKey/Create page.
    And I have entered acceptable BLE-data.
    When I press Create
    Then The BLE-key should be added to the database.

Scenario: BLE-key data aanpassen
    Given There is a BleKey in the database.
    And I'm at the BleKey/Edit page of that BleKey
    When I edit the MAC-Adress
    And I edit the Conditional Report
    And I edit the Flag
    And I edit the Distance
    And I edit the Reference
    And I edit the ExtraCfg
    And I press Save
    Then The BleKey should have changed correctly.

Scenario: BLE-key data verwijderen
    Given There is a BleKey in the database.
    And I navigate to the Delete page of that BleKey
    When I press Delete
    Then The BleKey should be deleted.

Scenario: BLE-key data van 1 sleutel bekijken
    Given There is a BleKey in the database.
    And I navigate to the Details page of that BleKey
    Then The correct data of that BleKey should be displayed

现在,当我在Visual Studio(ReSharper单元测试会话窗口)中单独运行这些测试时,它们都会成功,但是当连续运行时,第一个成功,但任何连续测试都会失败并出现以下异常:


OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriverException:意外错误。 System.Net.WebException:无法连接到远程服务器---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException:无法建立连接,因为目标计算机主动拒绝它127.0.0.1:5595



http://localhost:58759/ +控制器+方法取决于测试。


public class BleKeyBeherenSteps
        public static RemoteWebDriver RemoteWebDriver = new ChromeDriver();
        public WebinterfaceSelenium SeleniumTest = new 
        public Navigate Navigate = new Navigate(RemoteWebDriver);
        public Check Check = new Check(RemoteWebDriver);
        public Edit Edit = new Edit(RemoteWebDriver);
        public Delete Delete = new Delete(RemoteWebDriver);
        private readonly BeheerContext _db = new BeheerContext();


Driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(Adress + BleKeyIndexUrl);

Adress =“http://localhost:58759/

BleKeyIndexUrl =“BleKeys / Index”


编辑:每次测试后我都会关闭驱动程序:Driver.Quit(); 我的猜测是,在第一次测试之后,由于某种原因,Driver.Url属性会丢失。

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