Swift3,如何在ClassB init()中调用ClassA类函数

时间:2017-08-23 14:13:08

标签: swift


{ "status" : "failure", "message": "Unauthorized", "payload" : []//could be object array depending on service end-point }

在上面,"有效载荷"可以有任何Object Array。在我的情况下可以说它将返回[Book]或[Page],这取决于我所调用的服务。


class Book {

    public var id : Int = 0
    public var bookName : String = ""

    required public init?(dictionary: [String:Any]) {

            id = dictionary["id"] as! Int
            bookName = dictionary["bookName"] as! String

    public class func modelsFromArray(array:NSArray) -> [Book]
        var models:[Book] = []
        for item in array
            models.append(Book(dictionary: item as! [String:Any])!)
        return models

 class Page {

    public var id : Int = 0
    public var pageName : String = ""

    required public init?(dictionary: [String:Any]) {

            id = dictionary["id"] as! Int
            pageName = dictionary["pageName"] as! String

   public class func modelsFromArray(array:NSArray) -> [Page]
     var models:[Page] = []
     for item in array
       models.append(Page(dictionary: item as! [String:Any])!)
     return models

class Result {

    public var status : String = ""
    public var message : String = ""
    public var payload : Array<Any> // is this correct Any or AnyObject ?

// here below i need help so that i can pass Class type and then use it 
        required public init?<T>(dictionary: [String:Any], type : T.Type) {

            status = dictionary["status"] as! String
            message = dictionary["message"] as! String
           if (dictionary["payload"] != nil) { payload = type.modelsFromArray(array:dictionary["payload"] as!  NSArray ) // this is compiler error (Type T has no member modelsFromArray). How can i do here so that every time i pass in Class type or any thing on which i can initialize this class object with proper payload object.

这是我想如何使用上面的类。下面是获取Book end-point

let jsonResponse  = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: response.data!, options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions.allowFragments) as! [String:Any]

                            result = Result(dictionary: jsonResponse , Book.self // or Book or what?)!



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:-1)


 if type == Book.self {
            if (dictionary["payload"] != nil) { payload = Book.modelsFromArray(array:dictionary["payload"] as!  NSArray )
            } else {
                if (dictionary["payload"] != nil) { payload = Page.modelsFromArray(array:dictionary["payload"] as!  NSArray ) 