
时间:2017-08-29 01:39:51

标签: php mysql fpdf

enter image description here FPDF table

$CUST_ID ="3000/001";

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM com_profile WHERE CUST_ID = '$CUST_ID'");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $CUST_NAME = $row["CUST_NAME"];
    $CUST_NAME2 = $row["CUST_NAME2"];
    $CUST_TEL = $row["CUST_TEL"];
    $CUST_FAX = $row["CUST_FAX"];
    $CUST_EMAIL = $row["CUST_EMAIL"];
$CUST_NAME = htmlspecialchars_decode($CUST_NAME) ;
$CUST_NAME2 = htmlspecialchars_decode($CUST_NAME2);
$CUST_TEL = htmlspecialchars_decode($CUST_TEL);
$CUST_FAX = htmlspecialchars_decode($CUST_FAX);
$CUST_EMAIL = htmlspecialchars_decode($CUST_EMAIL);
* header and footer for pdf
class PDF extends FPDF


// Instantiation of inherited class
$pdf = new PDF('L', 'mm', 'A4');
$pdf -> AliasNbPages();
$pdf -> SetTitle("Point History");
$pdf -> AddPage();
$pdf -> SetFont('Times', 'U', 16);
$pdf -> Cell(5);
$pdf -> Cell(30,10,'Point Transactions:');
$pdf ->SetFont('Times', 'B', 12);
$pdf -> Ln(5);
$pdf -> Cell(10);
$pdf -> Cell(35,10, 'Company Code :');
$pdf ->SetFont('Times', '', 12);
$pdf -> Cell(30, 10, $CUST_ID);
$pdf -> Ln(5);
$pdf -> Cell(10);
$pdf ->SetFont('Times', 'B', 12);
$pdf -> Cell(35,10, 'Company Name :');
$pdf ->SetFont('Times', '', 12);
$pdf -> Cell(30, 10, $CUST_NAME);
$pdf ->Ln(5);
$pdf ->Cell(45);
$pdf -> Cell(30, 10, $CUST_NAME2);
$pdf -> Ln(5);
$pdf -> Cell(10);
$pdf ->SetFont('Times', 'B', 12);
$pdf -> Cell(35,10, 'Tel :');
$pdf ->SetFont('Times', '', 12);
$pdf -> Cell(30, 10, $CUST_TEL);
$pdf -> Ln(5);
$pdf -> Cell(10);
$pdf ->SetFont('Times', 'B', 12);
$pdf -> Cell(35,10, 'Fax :');
$pdf ->SetFont('Times', '', 12);
$pdf -> Cell(30, 10, $CUST_FAX);
$pdf -> Ln(5);
$pdf -> Cell(10);
$pdf -> SetFont('Times', 'B', 12);
$pdf -> Cell(35,10, 'Email :');
$pdf ->SetFont('Times', '', 12);
$pdf -> Cell(30, 10, $CUST_EMAIL);

$pdf -> Ln(15);
$pdf -> Cell(5);
$pdf -> SetFont('Times', 'B', 10);
$pdf -> SetDrawColor(50,50,100);
$pdf -> Cell(155,8,'SERVICE DESCRIPTION', 1,0,'',false);
$pdf -> Cell(20,8,'POINT(-)', 1,0,'',false);
$pdf -> Cell(20,8,'POINT(+)', 1,0,'',false);
$pdf -> Cell(20,8,'BALANCE', 1,0,'',false);
$pdf -> Cell(25,8,'DATE', 1,0,'',false);
$pdf -> Cell(25,8,'SERV. BY', 1,1,'',false);

$pdf -> SetFont('Times', '', 10);

// query to retrieve data from database
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM point_histories WHERE CUST_ID = '$CUST_ID' ORDER BY CON_ID ASC");
$Y = 63;

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $pdf -> SetXY(15, $Y);
    $pdf -> MultiCell(155,8,$row['SERVICE_DESP'], 1,"L");

    $H = $pdf -> GetY();
    $height = $H - $Y;

    $pdf -> SetXY(170, $Y);
    $pdf -> Cell(20,$height,$row['P_DEDUCTED'], 1,"L");
    $pdf -> SetXY(190, $Y);
    $pdf -> Cell(20,$height,$row['P_ADDED'], 1,"L");
    $pdf -> SetXY(210, $Y);
    $pdf -> Cell(20,$height,$row['P_BALANCES'], 1,"L");
    $pdf -> SetXY(230, $Y);
    $pdf -> Cell(25,$height,$row['MODIFIED_DATE'], 1,"L");
    $pdf -> SetXY(255, $Y);
    $pdf -> Cell(25,$height,$row['TC_SUPPORT'], 1, "L");
    $Y = $H;

$pdf -> Output();


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

由于您使用了AutoPageBreak,因此MultiCell存在问题,请使用$pdf -> SetAutoPageBreak( false );将其关闭,然后在靠近页面底部并{{1}时手动拨打电话在底部或者如果行足够长以至于它会创建一个大于当前页面的单元格。此外,由于您已经进行了FPDF的课堂扩展,请创建一个或两个函数,而不是重复所有。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

使用EasyTable更容易。 Pagebreak不会成为问题。



$tableB=new easyTable($pdf, '6', 'align:L; width:100%; split-row:true;  border:0; border-color:#000000; bgcolor:#ffffff; font-color:#000000; paddingY:0;');
    $tableB->easyCell("Data1", 'border: LB;  align: L; valign:M');
    $tableB->easyCell("Data2", 'border: LB;  align: L; valign:M');
    $tableB->easyCell("Data3", 'border: LB;  align: L; valign:M');
    $tableB->easyCell("Data4", 'border: LB;  align: L; valign:M');
    $tableB->easyCell("Data5", 'border: LB;  align: L; valign:M');
    $tableB->easyCell("Data6", 'border: LB;  align: L; valign:M');