
时间:2017-09-01 11:39:59

标签: windows batch-file cmd environment-variables



echo %PATH:D:\dir-path;=%


set PATH=%PATH:D:\dir-path;=%



set dirPath=D:\dir-path
echo %PATH:%dirPath%;=%





@echo off

set exampleRemoveDir=d:\bar

REM If I use %exampleRemoveDir% it does not work at all.
call :removeFromPath exampleRemoveDir & set result=%ERRORLEVEL%

set removeDir=%~1

setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set _=!PATH:%removeDir%;=!
if "%_%" == "%PATH%" set _=!PATH:%removeDir%=!
endlocal & set PATH=%_%
echo %PATH%
exit /b 0




@echo off
::  Switching Perl version from ActivePerl to StrawberryPerl or the other way round depending on which paths are set in
::  PATH.

::  Directories for ActivePerl
set activePerl_SiteBinPath=D:\ProgramFiles\ActivePerl\site\bin
set activePerl_BinPath=D:\ProgramFiles\ActivePerl\bin

::  Directories for StrawberryPerl
set strawberryPerl_SiteBinPath=D:\ProgramFiles\StrawberryPerl\perl\site\bin
set strawberryPerl_BinCPath=D:\ProgramFiles\StrawberryPerl\c\bin
set strawberryPerl_BinPath=D:\ProgramFiles\StrawberryPerl\perl\bin

:: Determine which of the directories are present in PATH and which are not.
call :isInPath %activePerl_SiteBinPath% & set foundActivePerl_SiteBinPath=%ERRORLEVEL%
call :isInPath %activePerl_BinPath% & set foundActivePerl_BinPath=%ERRORLEVEL%
call :isInPath %strawberryPerl_SiteBinPath% & set foundStrawberryPerl_SiteBinPath=%ERRORLEVEL%
call :isInPath %strawberryPerl_BinCPath% & set foundStrawberryPerl_BinCPath=%ERRORLEVEL%
call :isInPath %strawberryPerl_BinPath% & set foundStrawberryPerl_BinPath=%ERRORLEVEL%

:: Test
call :removeFromPath %strawberryPerl_SiteBinPath% & set removedStrawberryPerl_SiteBinPath=%ERRORLEVEL%

rem if /i %foundActivePerl_SiteBinPath% equ 0 if /i %foundActivePerl_BinPath% equ 0 (
rem     if /i %foundStrawberryPerl_SiteBinPath% neq 0 if /i %foundStrawberryPerl_BinPath% neq 0 if  /i %foundStrawberryPerl_BinCPath% neq 0 (
rem         echo Switching from ActivePerl to StrawberryPerl.
rem         TODO
rem         exit /b 0
rem     )
rem )
rem if /i %foundStrawberryPerl_SiteBinPath% equ 0 if /i %foundStrawberryPerl_BinPath% equ 0 if /i %foundStrawberryPerl_BinCPath% equ 0 (
rem     if /i %foundActivePerl_SiteBinPath% neq 0 if /i %foundActivePerl_BinPath% neq 0 (
rem         echo Switching from StrawberryPerl to ActivePerl.
rem         TODO
rem         exit /b 0
rem     )
rem )

:: Error
exit /b

::  Tests if the path stored within variable pathVar exists within %PATH%.
::  The result is returned as the ERRORLEVEL:
::      0 if the pathVar path is found in %PATH%.
::      1 if pathVar path is not found in %PATH%.
::      2 if parhVar path is missing or undefined.

:: Error checking
if "%~1"=="" exit /b 2

set pathVar=%~1

for /f %%i in ('echo ";%%PATH%%;" ^| find /c /i ";%pathVar%;"') do set /a foundPathVar=%%i

if /i %foundPathVar% equ 0 (
    exit /b 1
exit b/ 0

::  Removes a given directory from environment variable PATH if the directory exists within PATH.
::  The result is returned as the ERRORLEVEL:
::      0 if the given directory was removed from PATH or if it didn't exist in PATH.
::      1 if no directory was given or the directory is undefined.

:: Error checking
if "%~1"=="" exit /b 2

set removeDir=%~1

setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set _=!PATH:%removeDir%;=!
if "%_%" == "%PATH%" set _=!PATH:;%removeDir%=!
endlocal & set PATH=%_%
echo %PATH%

exit /b 0


感谢@Anders从路径中删除目录现在工作正常。我删除了上面未定义参数的错误检查,并在函数调用的参数周围添加了%。 但不知怎的,:isInPath现在总是返回零。就我而言,这已经有效......:/此外,使用当前代码(将%添加到所有函数参数),cmd总是直接关闭,而不管pause调用{ {1}}。这是令人愤怒的!

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

如果要将另一个变量用作变量替换的一部分,则需要使用延迟扩展。您还需要处理您要删除的路径位于;末尾的可能性,因此不会被@echo off set removedir=d:\bar set PATH=c:\foo;%removedir%;y:\baz&REM Set example %path% echo Starting with %%PATH%% set to %PATH% setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion set _=!PATH:%removedir%;=! if "%_%" == "%PATH%" set _=!PATH:;%removedir%=! endlocal & set PATH=%_% echo %%PATH%% is now %PATH% 终止。

@echo off
goto start

echo.Debug: Starting function with remove=%~1 and %%PATH%%=%PATH%
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set removedir=%~1
set _=!PATH:%removedir%;=!
if "%_%" == "%PATH%" set _=!PATH:;%removedir%=!
endlocal & set PATH=%_%
echo.Debug: Ending function with %%PATH%%=%PATH%
goto :EOF

set exampleremovedir=d:\bar
set PATH=c:\foo;%exampleremovedir%;y:\baz&REM Set example %path%

echo Starting with %%PATH%% set to %PATH%

call :removeFromPath %exampleremovedir%

echo %%PATH%% is now %PATH%


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