Jenkins + PowerShell - 将Zip文件转换为字节,传输字节,然后重建字节以压缩

时间:2017-09-07 13:39:52

标签: powershell jenkins converter file-transfer




我执行许多操作的唯一方法(我到目前为止找到的)是通过Invoke-Command连接到目标机器;然而,我花了很长时间才开始撞墙。一个这样的墙是Jenkins和目标机器之间的文件传输问题。我发现通过创建一个等于被调用命令的对象(例如:$returnMe = Invoke-Command {}),我能够从动作中返回要存储在变量中的对象。这让我可以解决通过会议将项目退回Jenkins的问题......但是现在提出了一个问题:


  1. 使用PowerShell,可以将文件夹压缩,然后转换 将zip文件转换为要传递的对象,然后重构该文件 zip文件使用对象的内容?如果是这样,怎么样?
  2. 分辨率:



    1)将文件收集到目标文件夹中并压缩文件夹 2)将zip文件转换为可以轻松传输的字节 3)通过特殊的自定义对象传递这些字节 4)解析对象以确保多余的字节没有进入文件。 5)将字节转换回Jenkins上的zip文件


    # Parse Through Each Server One By One
    ForEach ($server in $servers) {
        # Create a Variable to Take in the Invoke-Command and Receive what is Returned
        $packet = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $server -ArgumentList $server -Credential $creds -ScriptBlock {
            # Function for Creating a Zip File
            Function Create-ZipFromFolder ([string]$Source, [string]$SaveAs) {
                Add-Type -Assembly "System.IO.Compression.FileSystem"
                [IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($Source, $SaveAs)
            # Function for Converting Zip to Bytes For File Transfer
            Function Get-BytesFromFile($Path) {
                return [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($Path)
            # Absorb and Maske Server IP for the Server to Use For Logging Purposes and FileNaming
            $maskedAddress = $args[0] -Replace ('.+(?=\.\d+$)', 'XX.XX.XX')
            # Construct the Path For Consolidated Log Files
            $masterLogFolderPath = ("C:\Logs\RemoteLogs\$maskedAddress")
            # Series of Code to Create Log Folder, Consolidate Files, And Delete Unnecessary Data For Cleanup
            # Establish what to Save the Zip As. You Will Want The Path Included to Prevent it From Finding Path of Least Resistance Upon Saving
            $zipFile = ($masterLogFolderPath + ".zip")
            Try {
               # Here is Where We Call Our Compression Function
               Create-ZipFromFolder -Source $masterLogFolderPath -SaveAs ZipFile
               # Next We Convert the Zip to Bytes
               [byte[]]$FileAsBytes = Get-BytesFromFile -Path $zipFile
            Catch {
                Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
            # Now We Return the New Object to Jenkins
            return New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property @{Response=$FileAsBytes}
        # Function to Convert the Bytes Back Into a Zip File
        Function Create-FileFromBytes([byte[]]$Bytes, [string]$SaveAs) {
            # It was Discovered that Depending Upon the Environment, Extra Bytes Were Sometimes Added
            # These Next Lines Will Help to Remove Those
            For (($k = 0), ($kill = 0); $kill -lt 1; $k++) {
                If ($Bytes[$k] -gt 0) {
                    $kill = 1
                    # Truncate the Excess Bytes
                    $newByteArray = ($Bytes)[$k..(($Bytes).Length -1)]
            # Reconstruct the Zip File
            [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($SaveAs, $NewByteArray)
        Try {
            # Call the Function to Begin Reconstruction
            Create-FileFromBytes -SaveAs "$env:Workspace\MasterLog\$" -Bytes $packet.response
        Catch {
            Write-Error $_.Exception.Message



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

首先,您需要创建一个zip文件。 您需要先使用添加类型加载装配系统。 使用 CreateFromDirectory 方法构建并保存zip文件。 使用 System.IO.File 类从zip读取所有字节。此时,您可以将此数据发送到另一台计算机。最后使用 System.IO.File 类将字节数组转换回文件

function Create-ZipFromFrolder([string]$Source,[string]$SaveAs){
    Add-Type -assembly ""
    [io.compression.zipfile]::CreateFromDirectory($Source, $SaveAs)
    return $SaveAs

function Get-BytesFromFile([string]$File){
    return [byte[]]$ZipFileBytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($File)

function Create-FileFromBytes([byte[]]$Bytes, [string]$SaveAs){
    return [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($SaveAs, $Bytes)

[byte[]]$FileAsBytes = Get-BytesFromFile -File (Create-ZipFromFrolder -Source "C:\ZipFolder" -SaveAs "C:\Test\")

Create-FileFromBytes -SaveAs "C:\ZipFolder\" -Bytes $FileAsBytes