
时间:2011-01-06 01:34:12

标签: vb.net reflection dynamic


Public Class Behavior
Private _name As String
Public ReadOnly Property Name As String
        Return _name
    End Get
End Property

Public Property EditorUpdate As Boolean

Public Sub New(ByVal name As String)
    _name = name
    EditorUpdate = False
End Sub

Public Overridable Sub Update()

End Sub

' runs right away in editor mode. also runs when in stand alone game mode right away
Public Overridable Sub Start()

End Sub

' runs after game mode is done and right before back in editor mode
Public Overridable Sub Finish()

End Sub

' runs right when put into game mode
Public Overridable Sub Initialize()

End Sub

' runs when the game is complete in stand alone mode to clean up
Public Overridable Sub Destroy()

End Sub


Public Class CharacterController
Inherits Behavior.Behavior

Public Sub New()
    MyBase.New("Character Controller")

End Sub

Public Overrides Sub Update()
    ' TODO: call UpdateController()
    ' THINK: how can UpdateController() get the controller entity it's attached to?
    ' Behaviors need a way to get the entity they are attached to. Have that set when it's assigned in the ctor?
End Sub


Dim plugins() As String
    Dim asm As Assembly

    plugins = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Plugins"), "*.dll")

    For i As Integer = 0 To plugins.Length - 1
        asm = Assembly.LoadFrom(plugins(i))

        For Each t As Type In asm.GetTypes
            If t.IsPublic Then
                If t.BaseType.Name = "Behavior" Then
                    behaviorTypes.Add(t.Name, t)

                    Dim b As Behavior.Behavior
                    b = CType(Activator.CreateInstance(t), Behavior.Behavior)
                    'Dim o As Object = Activator.CreateInstance(t)

                End If
            End If


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

这可能不是你问题的答案(它也可能解决你的例外 - 谁知道),但这是需要指出的。这些行:

If t.IsPublic Then
    If t.BaseType.Name = "Behavior" Then


If t.IsPublic AndAlso (Not t.IsAbstract) AndAlso _
    GetType(Behavior.Behavior).IsAssignableFrom(t) Then


答案 1 :(得分:0)


             Dim ctor As Reflection.ConstructorInfo = _
                t.GetConstructor(New System.Type() {})
             Dim o As Object = ctor.Invoke(New Object() {})
             Dim plugin As Plugin = TryCast(o, Plugin)

(如果我找到 t ,我会调用无参数构造函数。)

[我刚刚意识到这可能就是Activator.CreateInstance所做的,所以我用你的代码替换了我的代码并且它按照你的方式工作 - 所以这可能对你不起帮助]