PHP spl_autoload_register()不会打开名称空间为

时间:2017-09-13 13:21:12

标签: php

伙计我使用spl_autoload_register功能遇到问题。我在其XAMPP目录中htdocs使用的是另一个名为boot的目录。该目录有2个文件Car class文件,只有Main个php文件。该课程使用namespace boot。我想通过使用此函数spl_autoload_register加载该类,但错误就是这样。我做错了什么。

Warning: require(boot\Car.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\boot\Main.php

Code Car.php

namespace boot;

class Car

    public function __construct()
        echo 'Constructor has been created!';


spl_autoload_register(function ($className){
    require $className  . '.php';

use boot\Car;
$car = new Car;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



project folder
- Main.php
- Car.php
- Test.php
- Foo
- - Bar.php
- - Baz
- - - Qux.php


class Test {}

富\ Bar.php

namespace boot\Foo;
class Bar {}

富\巴兹\ Qux.php

namespace Foo\Baz;
class Qux {}


//__DIR__ === C:\xampp\htdocs\boot    

spl_autoload_register(function ($className){
    require_once preg_replace('/^[\\\\\/]?boot[\\\\\/]?/', '', $className). '.php';

// both require same file but namespace must be same as defined in file
$t = new boot\Car; // work
$t = new Car; // do not work because in Car.php is namespace `boot`
// required file: C:\xampp\htdocs\boot\Car.php

// both require same file but namespace must be same as defined in file
$t = new boot\Test; // do not work because in Test.php is no namespace 
$t = new Test; //work
// required file: C:\xampp\htdocs\boot\Test.php

// both require same file but namespace must be same as defined in file
$t = new boot\Foo\Bar; // work
$t = new Foo\Bar; // do not work because in Bar.php is namespace `boot\Foo`
// required file: C:\xampp\htdocs\boot\Foo\Bar.php

// both require same file but namespace must be same as defined in file
$t = new boot\Foo\Baz\Qux; // do not work because in Qux.php is namespace `Foo\Baz`
$t = new Foo\Baz\Qux; // work
// required file: C:\xampp\htdocs\boot\Foo\Baz\Qux.php