在clang上返回类型推导替换失败,但在g ++上没有

时间:2017-09-14 15:06:41

标签: c++ g++ clang c++14 variadic-templates


#include <utility>

struct S {
    template<typename T>
    void operator()(T&& /*t*/) {}

    template<typename T0, typename T1, typename... Args>
    auto operator()(T0&& t0, T1&& /*t1*/, Args&&... args) ->
        decltype(operator()(std::forward<T0>(t0), std::forward<Args>(args)...))

int main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv[]*/) {
    S()(1, 2);
    S()(1, 1.2, 1.2); // does not compile with clang


当我用gcc 7.2.0g++ -std=c++1y)编译它时,它会编译。但是使用clang 3.8.0clang++ -std=c++1y),我获得了以下编译失败:

main.cpp:15:5: error: no matching function for call to object of type 'S'
    S()(1, 1.2, 1.2); // does not compile with clang
main.cpp:8:10: note: candidate template ignored: substitution failure [with T0 = int, T1 = double, Args = <double>]: no matching member function for call to 'operator()'
    auto operator()(T0&& t0, T1&& /*t1*/, Args&&... args) ->
main.cpp:5:7: note: candidate function template not viable: requires 1 argument, but 3 were provided
        void operator()(T&& /*t*/) {}


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