
时间:2017-09-19 11:16:35

标签: java


输入if name is tom and age is not 45 or name does not contain tom then let me know.


If name is 
tom and age is not 
45 or name does not contain 
tom then let me know

我尝试下面的代码进行拆分和提取但是“is”的出现在“is not”中,我的代码无法找到:

public static void loadOperators(){
        operators.add("is not");
        operators.add("does not contain");

public static void main(String[] args) {
    for(String s : operators){
        System.out.println(str.split(s).length - 1);

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

由于单词split可能会出现多次,因此无法解决您的使用案例,例如isis not是您的不同运算符。理想情况下,你会:

Iterate :
1. Find the index of the 'operator'.
2. Search for the next space _ or word.
3. Then update your string as substring from its index to length-1.

答案 1 :(得分:0)


对于您的情况,一个简单的"解决方法"可能工作得很好: 按运算符的长度对运算符进行排序。这种方式最大的匹配"将首先找到。你可以定义最大的"或者字面上是最长的字符串,或者最好是单词的数量(包含的空格数),因此is a优先于contains


答案 2 :(得分:0)


public static void main(String[] args) {
    List<String> operators = new ArrayList<>();
    operators.add("is not");
    operators.add("does not contain");

    String input = "if name is tom and age is not 45 or name does not contain tom then let me know.";
    List<String> output = new ArrayList<>();

    int lastFoundOperatorsEndIndex = 0; // First start at the beginning of input

    for (String operator : operators){
        int indexOfOperator = input.indexOf(operator); // Find current operator's position

        if (indexOfOperator > -1) { // If operator was found
            int thisOperatorsEndIndex = indexOfOperator + operator.length(); // Get length of operator and add it to the index to include operator
            output.add(input.substring(lastFoundOperatorsEndIndex, thisOperatorsEndIndex).trim()); // Add operator to output (and remove trailing space)
            lastFoundOperatorsEndIndex = thisOperatorsEndIndex; // Update startindex for next operator
    output.add(input.substring(lastFoundOperatorsEndIndex, input.length()).trim()); // Add rest of input as last entry to output

    for (String part : output) { // Output to console



public static void main(String... args) {
    // Define inputs
    String input1 = "if name is tom and age is not 45 or name does not contain tom then let me know.";
    String input2 = "the name is tom and he is 22 years old but the name does not contain jack, but merry is 24 year old.";

    // Output split strings
    for (String part : split(input1)) {


    for (String part : split(input2)) {

private static String[] split(String input) {
    // Define list of operators - 'is not' has to precede 'is'!!
    String[] operators = { "\\sis not\\s", "\\sis\\s", "\\sdoes not contain\\s", "\\sdoes contain\\s" };

    // Concatenate operators to regExp-String for search
    StringBuilder searchString = new StringBuilder();

    for (String operator : operators) {
        if (searchString.length() > 0) {

    // Replace all operators by operator+\n and split resulting string at \n-character
    return input.replaceAll("(" + searchString.toString() + ")", "$1\n").split("\n");

注意操作员的顺序! '是'必须来 '不'或'不'将永远分裂。

您可以通过对运算符'is'使用否定前瞻来防止这种情况发生。 因此"\\sis\\s"将成为"\\sis(?! not)\\s"(读起来像:“是”,而不是“不是”)。

极简主义版本(JDK 1.6+)可能如下所示:

private static String[] split(String input) {
    String[] operators = { "\\sis(?! not)\\s", "\\sis not\\s", "\\sdoes not contain\\s", "\\sdoes contain\\s" };
    return input.replaceAll("(" + String.join("|", operators) + ")", "$1\n").split("\n");