
时间:2017-09-21 13:18:36

标签: angular angular-cli

当我运行ng eject命令时,我会在控制台上看到以下消息。在最后一行,它说它已经添加了包裹?运行ng eject时会添加哪些包?我使用的是角度CLI版本1.0.6。

To run your builds, you now need to do the following commands:
   - "npm run build" to build.
   - "npm run test" to run unit tests.
   - "npm start" to serve the app using webpack-dev-server.
   - "npm run e2e" to run protractor.

Running the equivalent CLI commands will result in an error.


Some packages were added. Please run "npm install".

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


运行npm install添加 webpack

Webpack是Angular CLI现在用于在构建时打包文件的捆绑包。

有关文档,请查看此处: https://webpack.github.io/docs/

此处的Angular集成文档: https://angular.io/guide/webpack
