如何在OpenShift 3中部署应用程序?

时间:2017-09-26 10:08:19

标签: openshift

使用此tutorialstrings.stream().forEach(System.out::println) 中使用来自Node.js的私有BitBucket个回复,在上一个命令中出错,为什么?


enter image description here

Kukodas-MBP:~ kukodajanos$ ./oc new-app httpd~git@bitbucket.org:j4nos/nodejs.git --name mysite
error: Errors occurred while determining argument types:

httpd~git@bitbucket.org:j4nos/nodejs.git as a local directory pointing to a Git repository:  stat httpd~git@bitbucket.org:j4nos/nodejs.git: no such file or directory

Errors occurred during resource creation: error: the image match "httpd" for source repository "git@bitbucket.org:j4nos/nodejs.git" does not appear to be a source-to-image builder. - to attempt to use this image as a source builder, pass "--strategy=source" - to use it as a base image for a Docker build, pass "--strategy=docker" 更改为httpd,我正在使用回购名称,因此可行:


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