
时间:2017-09-29 18:38:51

标签: python-2.7 dictionary




enter image description here

#1. read in text file using inputFileName
#should take in python argument link python decisionTree.py [trainingSetSize] 

import sys, csv, random
print "you entered these arguments", sys.argv
inputFileName = sys.argv[1]

#2. Set the trainingSetSize to desired input number
trainingSetSize = int(sys.argv[2])

#create a list variable to store the training set row key values
trainingSetList = []

text_file = open(inputFileName, "r")
numberOfRows = len(text_file.readlines()) - 1
print numberOfRows

trainingSetListHoldsKeys = random.sample(range(numberOfRows), trainingSetSize)
print str(trainingSetListHoldsKeys).strip('[]')

with open(inputFileName as csvfile:
     reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
     print reader

     for row in reader:
          print(row['GoodGrades'], row['GoodLetters'], row['GoodSAT'], row['IsRich'], row['HasScholarship'], row['ParentAlum'], row['SchoolActivities'], row['CLASS'], row['R'])

# Extract the rows with the desired keys from trainingSetListHoldsKeys into the training set 
# The remaining rows need to be stored in separate dictionary for the testing set

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


f = open(inputFileName)

csv_f = csv.reader(f)

count = 0
trainingSet = {count: ''}
testingSet = {count: ''}
for row in csv_f:
    if count in trainingSetListHoldsKeys:
        print row
        trainingSet[count] = row
        testingSet[count] = row

    count = count + 1

print trainingSet

print '---------\n\n\n---------'

print testingSet

print '---------'