
时间:2017-10-03 20:01:52

标签: python python-3.x


def aRecursive(n):
    if n is 1:
        return 3
        return 2 * aRecursive(n-1) + 5


a(1) = 3
a(n) = 2 * a(n-1) + 5


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



def f(N):
    n = N        # N is the top level parameter passed to this function
    res = None   # res is the result returned by this function
[start]:         # here we create a label; not python, only for converting
    if n == 1:
        return 3
        return 2 * f(n-1) + 5

接下来我们将转换两件事:函数调用和return语句。函数调用基本上是两步:将参数和返回地址推送到堆栈并跳转到实际代码。 return基本上是弹出参数并跳转到保存的地址。所以我们走了:

def f(N):
    n = N        # N is the top level parameter passed to this function
    res = None   # res is the result returned by this function
[start]:         # here we create a label; not python, only for converting
    if n == 1:
        return 3
        push(n)       # push current parameter; since there is only one recursive function call in the body, we know where to return and there is no need to push the return address
        n = n-1       # the next level actual parameter is now n-1
        goto [start]  # we go to the code of the function which is the start of this same function
        return 2 * f(n-1) + 5  # we will never reach here... this line is where we need to return when any `return` statements is met

接下来,我们将更改第一个return语句(return 3):

def f(N):
    n = N        # N is the top level parameter passed to this function
    res = None   # res is the result returned by this function
[start]:         # here we create a label; not python, only for converting
    if n == 1:
        res = 3
        # for `return` we need to see if this is the top level or a inner recursive call
        if stack is empty: # we are in top level
            return res
        # hey we are in a recursive call, and we need to return to the code after `goto`, why not move these code here?
            n = pop()      # we pop the parameter saved
            # this line is where we need to return when any `return` statements is met
            return 2 * f(n-1) + 5
        push(n)       # push current parameter; since there is only one recursive function call in the body, we know where to return and there is no need to push the return address
        n = n-1       # the next level actual parameter is now n-1
        goto [start]  # we go to the code of the function which is the start of this same function

然后我们将转换return 2*f(n-1)+5

def f(N):
    n = N        # N is the top level parameter passed to this function
    res = None   # res is the result returned by this function
[start]:         # here we create a label; not python, only for converting
    if n == 1:
        res = 3
        if stack is empty:
            return res
            n = pop()      # we pop the parameter saved
            # begin conversion of return
            res = 2*res+5
            if stack is empty:
                return res;
                # we need to pop stack and jump to the same return, so we just jump to [loop]
                goto [loop]
        push(n)       # push current parameter; since there is only one recursive function call in the body, we know where to return and there is no need to push the return address
        n = n-1       # the next level actual parameter is now n-1
        goto [start]  # we go to the code of the function which is the start of this same function


def f(N):
    n = N        # N is the top level parameter passed to this function
    res = None   # res is the result returned by this function
[start]:         # here we create a label; not python, only for converting
    if n == 1:
        res = 3
        if n == N:         # SAME as stack is empty
            return res     # really return
            n = n+1       # WE JUST INCREASE N INSTEAD OF POP
            res = 2*res+5
            if n==N:      # SAME as stack is empty
                return res;
                goto [loop]
        # NO PUSH NEEDED
        n = n-1       # the next level actual parameter is now n-1
        goto [start]

删除了堆栈,我们需要使这些goto语句消失。请注意[start]标签和goto [start]制作循环,我们只需要将它们设为'while'循环:

def f(N):
    n = N        # N is the top level parameter passed to this function
    res = None   # res is the result returned by this function
    # we reverse the if n==1 and make it a condition in while
    while n != 1:
        # NO PUSH NEEDED
        n = n-1       # the next level actual parameter is now n-1
    # you soon noticed the above calculation is not needed at all, it just sets n = 1

    res = 3
    if n == N:
        return res
        n = n+1
        res = 2*res+5
        if n==N:
            return res;
            goto [loop]

我们优化了第一个循环并将其替换为n=1。我们需要使[loop]goto [loop]标记的第二个循环消失:

def f(N):
    n = N        # N is the top level parameter passed to this function
    res = None   # res is the result returned by this function
    n = 1        # the result of the first while loop

    res = 3
    if n == N:
        return res
        do:              # Python does not have do while, but it is straight forward to do this convert
            n = n+1
            res = 2*res+5
        while n!=N
        return res


def f(N):
    n = 1
    res = 3
    if n == N:
        return res
            n = n+1
            res = 2*res+5
        while n!=N
        return res

我们将撤销if n==N声明:

def f(N):
    n = 1
    res = 3
    if n != N:
            n = n+1
            res = 2*res+5
        while n!=N
        return res
        return res

很明显return res可以置于顶层,if n!=Ndo/while循环可以合并为一个while循环:

def f(N):
    n = 1
    res = 3
    while n != N:
        n = n+1
        res = 2*res+5
    return res


有趣的是,迭代版本比仅基于转换过程的递归版本更有效,因为:1。我们消除了堆栈的使用; 2.我们消除了一个将n减少到1的循环。我们至少节省了一些CPU周期和堆栈存储。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


def a(n):
    answer = 3

    for i in range(n - 1):
        answer = answer * 2 + 5

    return answer


def a(n):
    answer = 3

    while n > 1:
        answer = answer * 2 + 5
        n -= 1

    return answer



a(1) = 3
a(n) = 2 * a(n - 1) + 5


a(5) = 2 * a(4) + 5


a(4) = 2 * a(3) + 5


a(5) = 2 * (2 * a(3) + 5) + 5



a(1) = 3
a(2) = 2 * a(1) + 5  =  2 *  3 + 5  =  11
a(3) = 2 * a(2) + 5  =  2 * 11 + 5  =  27
a(4) = 2 * a(3) + 5  =  2 * 27 + 5  =  59
a(5) = 2 * a(4) + 5  =  2 * 59 + 5  =  123


