
时间:2017-10-10 06:57:44

标签: python datetime time


from datetime import date

startdate = date(input("When do you intend to start?"))
enddate = date(input("When is your deadline?"))
numstudydays = enddate - startdate
print (numstudydays)


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

在python中,input()方法接受输入作为字符串变量。然后,您可以使用int()方法将其类型转换为整数。但是你无法对整个元组进行类型转换。即你的情况(年,月,日)。 您可以通过逐个获取所有值来实现。

from datetime import date

print("Enter intended start date details: ")
year = int(input('Year: '))
month = int(input('Month: '))
day = int(input('Day: '))
startdate = date(year, month, day)

print("Enter intended enddate details: ")
year = int(input('Year: '))
month = int(input('Month: '))
day = int(input('Day: '))
enddate = date(year, month, day)
numstudydays = enddate - startdate

print (numstudydays)


答案 1 :(得分:0)

我认为您最大的问题是如何检索日期。 date()函数需要三个整数,例如日期(2017,10,10)


input()  #returns a string



"2017-10-12".split("-") # returns ["2017","10","12"]
[int(i) for i in "2017-10-12".split("-")] # returns [2017,10,12]


date(*[int(i) for i in input("When is your deadline?").split("-")])

但在这种情况下你真正想要的是使用strptime。 Strptime()通过定义字符串的外观将字符串转换为日期时间:

from datetime import datetime
datetime.strptime("20171012","%Y%m%d").date() # returns: datetime.date(2017, 10, 12)


from datetime import datetime

startdate_str = input("When do you intend to start? e.g.(2017-10-10)")
enddate_str = input("When is your deadline? e.g.(2017-10-11)")

startdate_dt = datetime.strptime(startdate_str,"%Y-%m-%d").date()
enddate_dt = datetime.strptime(enddate_str,"%Y-%m-%d").date()

numstudydays = enddate_dt - startdate_dt

print (numstudydays.days) # prints 1 for example inputs


格式化字符串的各种方法: https://docs.python.org/2/library/datetime.html#strftime-and-strptime-behavior

答案 2 :(得分:0)

您正在错误地使用datetime构造函数。我修改了您的解决方案,以简单易用的方式处理用户输入。基本数据验证由datetime.strptime factory method执行,但可能会有更多(例如,检查结束日期总是在开始日期之后):

from datetime import datetime, date

start, end = None, None

while start is None:
    rawinput = input("When do you intend to start? ")

        # %Y stands for a fully specified year, such as 2017, 1994, etc.
        # %m for the integer representation of a month, e.g. 01, 06, 12
        # and %d for the day of the month
        # see https://docs.python.org/3/library/time.html#time.strftime for more
        start = datetime.strptime(rawinput, "%Y %m %d")
    except ValueError:
        print("Input must be \"<year number> <month number> <day number>\"")

while end is None:
    rawinput = input("When is your deadline? ")

        end = datetime.strptime(rawinput, "%Y %m %d")
    except ValueError:
        print("Input must be \"<year number> <month number> <day number>\"")

diff = end - start

print("You have %d days of time" % diff.days)


None@vacuum:~$ python3.6 ./test.py 
When do you intend to start? 2017 01 32
Input must be "<year number> <month number> <day number>"
When do you intend to start? 2017 01 31
When is your deadline? 2017 02 30
Input must be "<year number> <month number> <day number>"
When is your deadline? 2017 02 28
You have 28 days of time