
时间:2017-10-11 07:32:03

标签: html vba excel-vba replace href

有一个程序可以正常工作。她的工作结果是Excel中元素表(href)的输出(每个元素看起来像:about:new_ftour.php?champ = 2604& f_team = 412& tour = 110)。我想用超链接替换href(用“http://allscores.ru/soccer/”替换文本“about:”)。在一行(oRange.Value = data)之后我添加了一行(oRange.Replace What:=“about:”,Replacement:=“http://allscores.ru/soccer/”)。但由于神秘的原因,程序会出错(运行时错误'91')。在行中(Loop While Not R is Nothing and r.Address<> firstAddress and iLoop< 19)。

    Sub Softгиперссылки()
      Application.DisplayAlerts = False

     Call mainмассивы

      Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    End Sub

    Sub mainмассивы()
    Dim r As Range
     Dim firstAddress As String
    Dim iLoop As Long
    Dim book1 As Workbook
    Dim sheetNames(1 To 19) As String
    Dim Ssilka As String

    sheetNames(1) = "Лист1"
    sheetNames(2) = "Лист2"
    sheetNames(3) = "Лист3"
    sheetNames(4) = "Лист4"
    sheetNames(5) = "Лист5"
    sheetNames(6) = "Лист6"
    sheetNames(7) = "Лист7"
    sheetNames(8) = "Лист8"
    sheetNames(9) = "Лист9"
    sheetNames(10) = "Лист10"
    sheetNames(11) = "Лист11"
    sheetNames(12) = "Лист12"
    sheetNames(13) = "Лист13"
    sheetNames(14) = "Лист14"
    sheetNames(15) = "Лист15"
    sheetNames(16) = "Лист16"
    sheetNames(17) = "Лист17"
    sheetNames(18) = "Лист18"
    sheetNames(19) = "Лист19"

   'пропускаем ошибку

    Set book1 = Workbooks.Open("E:\Super M\Проект ставки\Поиск решения\Усов 7\Условия для андердогов\пробная.xlsm")

   iLoop = 0

   With book1.Worksheets("Лист1").Range("S34:S99") '<--| open wanted workbook and refer to cells "U33:U99" in its worksheet "7"

    Set r = .Find(What:="1", LookIn:=xlValues) '<--| the Find() method is called on the range referred to in the preceding With statement
    If Not r Is Nothing Then
        firstAddress = r.Address
            iLoop = iLoop + 1
            Ssilka = r.Offset(, -14).Hyperlinks.Item(1).Address
            extractTable Ssilka, book1, iLoop

            Set r = .FindNext(r) '<--| the FindNext() method is still called on the same range as in the preceding  .Find() statement
        Loop While Not r Is Nothing And r.Address <> firstAddress And iLoop < 19 '<--| exit loop if either you hit the first link or completed three loops
    End If
    End With

    Exit Sub

    End Sub

    Function extractTable(Ssilka As String, book1 As Workbook, iLoop As Long)
    Dim oDom As Object, oTable As Object, oRow As Object
    Dim iRows As Integer, iCols As Integer
    Dim x As Integer, y As Integer
    Dim data()
    Dim oHttp As Object
    Dim oRegEx As Object
    Dim sResponse As String
    Dim oRange As Range

   ' get page
    Set oHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
   oHttp.Open "GET", Ssilka, False

   ' cleanup response
    sResponse = StrConv(oHttp.responseBody, vbUnicode)
    Set oHttp = Nothing

    sResponse = Mid$(sResponse, InStr(1, sResponse, "<!DOCTYPE "))

    Set oRegEx = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
    With oRegEx
    .MultiLine = True
    .Global = True
    .IgnoreCase = False
    .Pattern = "<(script|SCRIPT)[\w\W]+?</\1>"
    sResponse = .Replace(sResponse, "")
    End With
     Set oRegEx = Nothing

    ' create Document from response
     Set oDom = CreateObject("htmlFile")
     oDom.Write sResponse

    ' table with results, indexes starts with zero
   Set oTable = oDom.getelementsbytagname("table")(3)


   iRows = oTable.Rows.Length
   iCols = oTable.Rows(1).Cells.Length

     ' first row and first column contain no intresting data
    ReDim data(1 To iRows - 1, 1 To iCols - 1)

   ' fill in data array
   For x = 1 To iRows - 1
    Set oRow = oTable.Rows(x)

    For y = 1 To iCols - 1
         If oRow.Cells(y).Children.Length > 0 Then
            data(x, y) = oRow.Cells(y).getelementsbytagname("a")(0).getattribute("href")

          '.Replace(data(x, y), "about:", "http://allscores.ru/soccer/")

        End If

       Next y
     Next x

     Set oRow = Nothing
     Set oTable = Nothing
     Set oDom = Nothing

    ' put data array on worksheet

     Set oRange = book1.ActiveSheet.Cells(34, iLoop * 25).Resize(iRows - 1, iCols - 1)
     oRange.NumberFormat = "@"
     oRange.Value = data

    oRange.Replace What:="about:", Replacement:="http://allscores.ru/soccer/"

     Set oRange = Nothing

     'Selection.Replace What:=".", Replacement:=",", LookAt:=xlPart, _
     SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
       ReplaceFormat:=False, MatchByte:=False

   '    For x = LBound(data) To UBound(data)
  '        Debug.Print x & ":[ ";
  '        For y = LBound(data, 2) To UBound(data, 2)
  '            Debug.Print y & ":[" & data(x, y) & "] ";
  '        Next y
  '        Debug.Print "]"
  '    Next x

   End Function

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

正如@ YowE3K的评论中提到的,如果r is Nothing,VBA引擎将继续评估IF语句,并在r.Address上失败。

其他语言的行为有所不同,一旦发现错误情况就会逃避检查,但VBA不会这样做 - 这称为短路评估 - {{3} }


Option Explicit

Public Sub TestMe()

    Dim iloop           As Long
    Dim r               As Range
    Dim firstAddress    As String

    Do While True

        If r Is Nothing Then Exit Do
        If r.Address = firstAddress Then Exit Do
        If iloop < 10 Then Exit Do

        'Do the action


End Sub