
时间:2017-10-12 22:13:51

标签: python-3.x


Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "color.py", line 4, in <module>

    class color():

  File "color.py", line 83, in color

    f = iscolor(f)

TypeError: iscolor() missing 1 required positional argument: 'src'



import sys 
import re

class color():

    def _init_(self , vertex):
        self.vertex = vvertex
        self.graph =  [0 for column in range(vertex)]
        self.graph =  [0 for row in range(vertex)]

    #if true if the Graph is bipartite
    # otherwise colorable

    def iscolor(self, src):

        #set color array to set -1as no color 
        clear[-1] * self.vertex

        #start coloring the first point
        clear[src] = 1

        #make a line of in and out
        queue = []


        # run
        while queue:

            u = queue.pop()

        #return false if there is a self-loop

            if self.graph[u][u] == 1:
                return False;

            for vertex in range(self.vertex):

                # found an edge thats not colored
                if self.graph[u][vertex] == 1 and clear[vertex] == -1:

                    #put it in
                    clear[vertex] = 1 - clear[u]


                #found an edge its colored with the same color as befor
                elif self.graph[u][vertex] == 1 and clear[vertex] == clear[u]:

                    return False

        return True

        #open the file from input

        #with open(sys.argv[0]) as f:

    f = open(sys.argv[1])

    string = f.read()

    string = string.split(" ")

    #Grab the string individually then convert
    #int_list = [int(i) for i in f]

     #string = list(map(int, string))

    #f = iscolor(int_list, f)

#read the integers from the file

    for line in f:

        vertexstart = [int(x) for x in line.split()]    
    f = iscolor(f)

   #print("is two colorable") if f.iscolor(0) else print("is not two colorable")

  #print`enter code here`
  #print( " connected component(s)")

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