
时间:2017-10-15 01:00:04

标签: f#

我正在学习F#,我想知道我是否正确地接近它。我创建了一个包含6个标签的记录类型,但它可以很容易地增长到10个以上的标签。 我应该如何设计其构造函数?由于记录值是不可变的,我想我应该一次创建。构造函数中的每个参数在构造值时映射到标签。但是,这感觉不对。


module Deal =
    open System

    type T = {
        Title : string;
        Description: string;
        NumberOfVotes: int;
        NumberOfComments: int;
        DateCreated: DateTime;
        ImageUrl: string;

    let Create (title:string) (desc:string) (numberOfVotes:int) (numberOfComments:int) (dateCreated: DateTime) (imageUrl:string) =
                Title = title;
                Description = desc;
                NumberOfVotes = numberOfVotes;
                NumberOfComments = numberOfComments;
                DateCreated = dateCreated;
                ImageUrl = imageUrl;



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

F#for fun and profit 示例中,存储的电子邮件地址是一个字符串,它是一个包装类型(使用区别联合)。您似乎没有包装类型。这就是我如何根据您的情况调整示例:

open System

type Deal =
    { Title : string; Description: string; NumberOfVotes: int
      NumberOfComments: int; DateCreated: DateTime; ImageUrl: string }

module Deal = 
    type ValidDeal =
        private ValidDeal of Deal // Note the `private` on the case constructor

    let isValid deal = true // Add implementation

    let create deal =
        if isValid deal then Some (ValidDeal deal)
        else None

    let (|ValidDeal|) (ValidDeal deal) = deal // This is an active pattern

open Deal
let f (ValidDeal d) = d // Use the active pattern to access the Deal itself.

let g d = ValidDeal d // Compile error. The ValidDeal union case constructor is private

请注意,ValidDeal union case构造函数对Deal模块是私有的,该模块还包含isValid函数。因此,该模块可以完全控制交易的验证。此模块之外的任何代码都必须使用Deal.create来创建有效的交易,如果任何函数收到ValidDeal,则有一些编译时保证有效。

答案 1 :(得分:3)


open System
type Deal =
    { Title : string; Description: string; NumberOfVotes: int
      NumberOfComments: int; DateCreated: DateTime; ImageUrl: string } with
    static member Create
        (   ?title : string, 
            ?desc : string, 
            ?numberOfVotes : int, 
            ?numberOfComments : int, 
            ?dateCreated: DateTime,
            ?imageUrl : string ) =
            {   Title = defaultArg title "No title"
                Description = defaultArg desc "No description"
                NumberOfVotes = defaultArg numberOfVotes 0
                NumberOfComments = defaultArg numberOfComments 0
                DateCreated = defaultArg dateCreated DateTime.Now
                ImageUrl = defaultArg imageUrl "Default.jpg" }


Deal.Create(title = "My Deal")  // named argument
{ Deal.Create() with NumberOfVotes = 42 }   // copy-and-update