PostgreSQL EDB安装程序的安装后步骤失败

时间:2017-10-15 10:51:11

标签: postgresql ubuntu enterprisedb

我正在使用Ubuntu Budgie 17.10 64bit。 尝试按EDB installer安装PostgreSQL 9.6时,它在post-install step上失败:

error message screenshot


Initialising the database cluster (this may take a few minutes)...
Executing /opt/PostgreSQL/9.6/installer/server/ "postgres" "postgres" "/opt/PostgreSQL/9.6" "/opt/PostgreSQL/9.6/data" 5432 ru_UA.utf8
Script exit code: 1

Script output:
 Failed to initialise the database cluster with initdb

Script stderr:
 mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/opt/PostgreSQL/9.6/.config’: Permission denied
touch: cannot touch '/opt/PostgreSQL/9.6/.config/budgie-desktop/firstrun': No such file or directory
-su: 28: /etc/profile.d/ Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")

Error running /opt/PostgreSQL/9.6/installer/server/ "postgres" "postgres" "/opt/PostgreSQL/9.6" "/opt/PostgreSQL/9.6/data" 5432 ru_UA.utf8: mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/opt/PostgreSQL/9.6/.config’: Permission denied
touch: cannot touch '/opt/PostgreSQL/9.6/.config/budgie-desktop/firstrun': No such file or directory
-su: 28: /etc/profile.d/ Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete correctly
 The database cluster initialisation failed.


  • 安装程序以root权限启动(如果没有,则会在启动时引发错误)。
  • 安装失败后,/opt/PostgreSQL/9.6目录存在。

如何在没有EDB安装程序的情况下完成群集初始化? 如何修复安装程序? 报告EDB安装程序问题的正确方法是什么?

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