
时间:2017-10-23 17:48:41

标签: sql sql-server sql-server-2008

请考虑下表中的呼叫中心座席状态。 我需要的是计算在" 休息"" 休息"中花费的总和时间布莱恩一整天。



    select sum (CASE   
    WHEN State = 'Not Working' and Reason = 'Break'
    THEN Datediff(SECOND, [Time_Stamp], CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)
    else '' END) as Break_Overall
    from MyTable
    where Agent = 'Bryan'

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


select agent,
       sum(datediff(second, timestamp, next_timestamp) 
from (select t.*,
             lead(timestamp) over (partition by agent order by time_stamp) as next_timestamp
      from mytable t
     ) t
where state = 'Not Working' and reason = 'Break'
group by agent;


select agent,
       sum(datediff(second, timestamp, next_timestamp) 
from (select t.*,
             lead(timestamp, 1, current_timestamp) over (partition by agent 
                                                         order by time_stamp) as next_timestamp
      from mytable t
     ) t
where state = 'Not Working' and reason = 'Break'
group by agent;



在SQL Server 2008中,您可以执行以下操作:

select agent,
       sum(datediff(second, timestamp, coalesce(next_timestamp, current_timestamp)) 
from (select t.*, t2.timestamp as next_timestamp
      from mytable t outer apply
           (select top 1 t2.*
            from mytable t2
            where t2.agent = t.agent and t2.time_stamp > t.time_stamp
            order by t.time_stamp
           ) t2
     ) t
where state = 'Not Working' and reason = 'Break'
group by agent;

答案 1 :(得分:0)

实际上,您可以获得记录的Time_Stamp和CURRENT_TIMESTAMP之间的区别。这可能不正确 - 你可能希望得到记录的Time_Stamp和 next Time_Stamp之间相同的" Agent"。

(注意&#34;如果您有多个具有相同名称的代理,代理&#34;也会出现问题;您可能希望将代理存储在不同的表中并使用唯一标识符作为外键。)< / p>

所以,对于布莱恩来说,你得到了 the sum of both the "total time" for the 8:30:21 record AND the 11:34:58 record,这是对的 - 除了您正在计算&#34;总时间&#34;不正确,所以相反,你得到the sum of the time since 8:30:21 and 11:34:58