
时间:2017-10-24 00:45:39

标签: rust borrow-checker

我试图自学Rust。我熟悉C ++和Scala,但Rust对我来说仍然是一种Perlish语言。



use std::io;

fn main() {
    let mut streams: StdStreams = StdStreams {
        stderr: &mut io::stderr(),
    let command = Command {};
    let streams_ref: &mut StdStreams = &mut streams;

pub struct StdStreams<'a> {
    stderr: &'a mut io::Write,

pub struct Command {}

impl Command {
    pub fn go(&self, streams: &mut ::StdStreams) {
        let mut server = Server { streams };

pub struct Server<'a> {
    pub streams: &'a mut StdStreams<'a>,


error[E0495]: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for lifetime parameter `'a` due to conflicting requirements
  --> src/
20 |         let mut server = Server { streams };
   |                          ^^^^^^
note: first, the lifetime cannot outlive the anonymous lifetime #2 defined on the method body at 19:5...
  --> src/
19 | /     pub fn go(&self, streams: &mut ::StdStreams) {
20 | |         let mut server = Server { streams };
21 | |     }
   | |_____^
note: that reference does not outlive borrowed content
  --> src/
20 |         let mut server = Server { streams };
   |                                   ^^^^^^^
note: but, the lifetime must be valid for the anonymous lifetime #3 defined on the method body at 19:5...
  --> src/
19 | /     pub fn go(&self, streams: &mut ::StdStreams) {
20 | |         let mut server = Server { streams };
21 | |     }
   | |_____^
note: that expression is assignable (expected &mut StdStreams<'_>, found &mut StdStreams<'_>)
  --> src/
20 |         let mut server = Server { streams };
   |                                   ^^^^^^^


我也发现这种不必要的讽刺:expected &mut StdStreams<'_>, found &mut StdStreams<'_>

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


pub fn go<'a, 'b, 'c>(&'a self, streams: &'b mut StdStreams<'c>) {
    let mut server = Server {streams};

没错,生命周期参数丢失了。编译器不会推断'a中的生命周期参数StdStreams<'a>将与&mut StdStreams类型的引用的生命周期相同(因为它不会生成&'a Foo<'a>编译器还将在可能的错误消息中使用这些命名的生命周期:

error[E0495]: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for lifetime parameter `'a` due to conflicting requirements
  --> src/
20 |         let mut server = Server {streams};
   |                          ^^^^^^
note: first, the lifetime cannot outlive the lifetime 'b as defined on the method body at 19:5...
  --> src/
19 | /     pub fn go<'a, 'b, 'c>(&'a self, streams: &'b mut StdStreams<'c>) {
20 | |         let mut server = Server {streams};
21 | |     }
   | |_____^
note: that reference does not outlive borrowed content
  --> src/
20 |         let mut server = Server {streams};
   |                                  ^^^^^^^
note: but, the lifetime must be valid for the lifetime 'c as defined on the method body at 19:5...
  --> src/
19 | /     pub fn go<'a, 'b, 'c>(&'a self, streams: &'b mut StdStreams<'c>) {
20 | |         let mut server = Server {streams};
21 | |     }
   | |_____^
note: that expression is assignable (expected &mut StdStreams<'_>, found &mut StdStreams<'c>)
  --> src/
20 |         let mut server = Server {streams};
   |                                  ^^^^^^^ 


pub fn go<'a>(&self, streams: &'a mut StdStreams<'a>) {


pub fn go<'a: 'b, 'b>(&self, streams: &'a mut StdStreams<'b>) {

我也发现这种不必要的讽刺:预期&mut StdStreams<'_>,找到&mut StdStreams<'_>

