
时间:2017-10-27 07:06:39

标签: javascript svg

我需要你们的帮助。我无法找到解决问题的好方法。我在我的网站上有一些动画SVG的部分。我为此使用了vivus.js。 https://maxwellito.github.io/vivus-instant/ 问题是,当用户在带有动画SVG的部分上滚动时,我无法找到启动动画的解决方案。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


  1. 检测SVG何时可见
  2. 最初暂停动画,然后在需要时触发
  3. 检测元素何时可见





    SVG SMIL动画



    // Get the position on the page of the SVG
    var svgLocation = document.getElementById("mysvg").getBoundingClientRect();
    // Scroll offset that triggers animation start.
    // In this case it is the bottom of the SVG.
    var offsetToTriggerAnimation = svgLocation.y + svgLocation.height;
    // Function to handle the scroll event.
    // Add an event handler to the document for the "onscroll" event
    function scrollAnimTriggerCheck(evt)
      var viewBottom = window.scrollY + window.innerHeight;
      if (viewBottom > offsetToTriggerAnimation) {
        // Start the SMIL animation
        // Remove the event handler so it doesn't trigger again
        document.removeEventListener("scroll", scrollAnimTriggerCheck);
    // Add an event handler to the document for the "onscroll" event
    document.addEventListener("scroll", scrollAnimTriggerCheck);
    svg {
      border: solid 1px grey;
    p {
      margin-bottom: 1000px;
    <p>Scroll down</p>
    <svg id="mysvg">
      <rect x="0" width="150" height="150" fill="rebeccapurple">
        <animate id="anim" attributeName="x" from="0"  to="150" dur="2s"
                 fill="freeze" begin="indefinite"/>



    1. 将您的animation属性放在自己的样式集类中,然后将该类添加到元素中:

       .anim {
         animation-name: slide;
         animation-duration: 2s;
    2. // Get the position on the page of the SVG
      var svgLocation = document.getElementById("mysvg").getBoundingClientRect();
      // Scroll offset that triggers animation start.
      // In this case it is the bottom of the SVG.
      var offsetToTriggerAnimation = svgLocation.y + svgLocation.height;
      // Function to handle the scroll event.
      // Add an event handler to the document for the "onscroll" event
      function scrollAnimTriggerCheck(evt)
        var viewBottom = window.scrollY + window.innerHeight;
        if (viewBottom > offsetToTriggerAnimation) {
          // Start the CSS animation by adding the animation CSS rules to the rect element
          // Remove the event handler so it doesn't trigger again
          document.removeEventListener("scroll", scrollAnimTriggerCheck);
      // Add an event handler to the document for the "onscroll" event
      document.addEventListener("scroll", scrollAnimTriggerCheck);
      .anim {
        animation: slide 2s linear forwards;
      @keyframes slide {
        from {
          transform: translate(0px, 0px);
        to {
          transform: translate(150px, 0px);
      svg { border: solid 1px grey; }
      p { margin-bottom: 1000px; }
      <p>Scroll down</p>
      <svg id="mysvg">
        <rect x="0" width="150" height="150" fill="rebeccapurple"/>

      1. 第二种方法是使用animation-play-state CSS属性。并非所有浏览器都支持此功能。


      2. // Get the position on the page of the SVG
        var svgLocation = document.getElementById("mysvg").getBoundingClientRect();
        // Scroll offset that triggers animation start.
        // In this case it is the bottom of the SVG.
        var offsetToTriggerAnimation = svgLocation.y + svgLocation.height;
        // Function to handle the scroll event.
        // Add an event handler to the document for the "onscroll" event
        function scrollAnimTriggerCheck(evt)
          var viewBottom = window.scrollY + window.innerHeight;
          if (viewBottom > offsetToTriggerAnimation) {
            // Start the CSS animation by setting the animation-play-state to "running"
            document.querySelector("rect").style.animationPlayState = "running";
            // Remove the event handler so it doesn't trigger again
            document.removeEventListener("scroll", scrollAnimTriggerCheck);
        // Add an event handler to the document for the "onscroll" event
        document.addEventListener("scroll", scrollAnimTriggerCheck);
        .anim {
          animation: slide 2s linear forwards;
          animation-play-state: paused;
        @keyframes slide {
          from {
            transform: translate(0px, 0px);
          to {
            transform: translate(150px, 0px);
        svg { border: solid 1px grey; }
        p { margin-bottom: 1000px; }
        <p>Scroll down</p>
        <svg id="mysvg">
          <rect x="0" width="150" height="150" fill="rebeccapurple" class="anim"/>

答案 1 :(得分:0)


你应该使用这个名为 Scroll Magic 的插件,它具有控制任何类型的动画而不是svg或任何动画的能力。

您可以在此处找到链接 http://scrollmagic.io/

这里也是一个快速举例。 http://scrollmagic.io/examples/advanced/svg_drawing.html
