Python 3.5快餐计算器

时间:2017-10-30 19:48:00

标签: python python-3.x if-statement while-loop


while True:

print("1. Hamburger = $1.50")
print("2. Soda      = $1.15")
print("3. Fries     = $1.25")
print("4. Complete Order")

choice = int(input('Make a selection: '))
while choice < 1 or choice > 4:
    choice = int(input('Enter a valid selection: '))

Hcount =0
Scount =0
Fcount =0 

if choice > 0 and choice <4:

    if choice == 1:
        amount1=int(input("Enter number of Hamburgers: "))
        Hcount += amount1

    elif choice == 2:
        amount2=int(input("Enter number of Sodas: "))
        Scount += amount2

    elif choice == 3:
        amount3=int(input("Enter number of Fries: "))
        Fcount += amount3

if choice == 4:
    sub=int((Hcount * 1.50) + (Scount * 1.15) + (Fcount * 1.25))
    tax=int(sub * 0.09)
    total=int(sub + tax)
    print('Number of Hamburgers:', format(Hcount, '3.0f'))
    print('Number of Sodas:', format(Scount, '3.0f'))
    print('Number of Fries:', format(Fcount, '3.0f'))
    print('Subtotal:', format(sub, '3.2f'))
    print('Tax:', format(tax, '3.2f'))
    print('Total:', format(total, '3.2f'))

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


  1. 正确缩进代码 - 每ifelifwhile语句后应有4个缩进空格
  2. 将您的计数器变量移到while循环
  3. 之外
  4. 将变量更改为小写名称,而不是将第一个字母大写
  5. if choice > 0 and choice < 4可以重写为0 < choice < 4

  6. 您的if choice > 0 and choice < 4是多余的。您可以删除此

  7. 你的内部while循环是多余的 - 你根本不需要这个
  8. 您可以在if语句中重复使用相同的变量名称,无需创建amount0amount1amount2
  9. 在计算小计和税额时,您不应该将值转换为int() - 这会从您的数字中删除小数位,从而导致您的税收从未计算过。
  10. 格式化字符串时,如果要将其格式化为2位小数,可以使用'Subtotal: {:0.2f}'.format(sub)

    hcount = 0
    scount = 0
    fcount = 0
    while True:
        print("1. Hamburger = $1.50")
        print("2. Soda      = $1.15")
        print("3. Fries     = $1.25")
        print("4. Complete Order")
        choice = int(input('Make a selection: '))
        if choice == 1:
            amount = int(input("Enter number of Hamburgers: "))
            hcount += amount
        elif choice == 2:
            amount = int(input("Enter number of Sodas: "))
            scount += amount
        elif choice == 3:
            amount = int(input("Enter number of Fries: "))
            fcount += amount
        elif choice == 4:
            sub = (hcount * 1.50) + (scount * 1.15) + (fcount * 1.25)
            tax = sub * 0.09
            total = sub + tax
            print('Number of Hamburgers: {0}'.format(hcount))
            print('Number of Sodas: {0}'.format(scount))
            print('Number of Fries: {0}'.format(fcount))
            print('Subtotal: {:0.2f}'.format(sub))
            print('Tax: {:0.2f}'.format(tax))
            print('Total: {:0.2f}'.format(total))

答案 1 :(得分:0)

这是因为每次循环迭代时,Hcount,Scount,Fcount都被赋值为0。将Hcount =0 Scount =0 Fcount =0 放在while循环前面,它应该可以解决您的问题

答案 2 :(得分:0)


    sub_in_cents = (hcount * 150) + (scount * 115) + (fcount * 125)
    tax_in_cents = int(sub * 0.09)
    total_in_cents = sub_in_cents + tax_in_cents
    total_in_dollars = total_in_cents*1./100