
时间:2017-10-31 06:41:09

标签: json xcode9 swift4

我一直试图在我的项目中实施https://github.com/ranmyfriend/FirebasePhoneAuth之类的东西。 我的项目中有 JSONReader.swift

    import Foundation

public struct JSONReader{
    static func countries()->[Country] {
        let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "cCodes", withExtension: "json")
        let data = try! Data.init(contentsOf: url!)
        do {
            let wrapped = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .allowFragments) as! [[String:Any]]
            return wrapped.map({ Country.init(object: $0) })
        } catch {
            // Handle Error
            return []


    import Foundation
import SwiftyJSON

fileprivate let baseScalar: UInt32 = 127397

public struct Country {

  // MARK: Declaration for string constants to be used to decode and also serialize.
  private let kCountryNameKey: String = "name"
  private let kCountryE164CcKey: String = "e164_cc"
  private let kCountryGeographicKey: String = "geographic"
  private let kCountryDisplayNameKey: String = "display_name"
  private let kCountryE164ScKey: String = "e164_sc"
  private let kCountryIso2CcKey: String = "iso2_cc"
  private let kCountryE164KeyKey: String = "e164_key"
  private let kCountryLevelKey: String = "level"
  private let kCountryExampleKey: String = "example"
  private let kCountryDisplayNameNoE164CcKey: String = "display_name_no_e164_cc"
  private let kCountryFullExampleWithPlusSignKey: String = "full_example_with_plus_sign"

  // MARK: Properties
  public var name: String?
  public var e164Cc: String?
  public var geographic: Bool = false
  public var displayName: String?
  public var e164Sc: Int?
  public var iso2Cc: String?
  public var e164Key: String?
  public var level: Int?
  public var example: String?
  public var displayNameNoE164Cc: String?
  public var fullExampleWithPlusSign: String?
    public var flag: String?

  // MARK: SwiftyJSON Initalizers
   Initates the instance based on the object
   - parameter object: The object of either Dictionary or Array kind that was passed.
   - returns: An initalized instance of the class.
  public init(object: Any) {
    self.init(json: JSON(object))

   Initates the instance based on the JSON that was passed.
   - parameter json: JSON object from SwiftyJSON.
   - returns: An initalized instance of the class.
  public init(json: JSON) {
    name = json[kCountryNameKey].string
    e164Cc = json[kCountryE164CcKey].string
    geographic = json[kCountryGeographicKey].boolValue
    displayName = json[kCountryDisplayNameKey].string
    e164Sc = json[kCountryE164ScKey].int
    iso2Cc = json[kCountryIso2CcKey].string
    e164Key = json[kCountryE164KeyKey].string
    level = json[kCountryLevelKey].int
    example = json[kCountryExampleKey].string
    displayNameNoE164Cc = json[kCountryDisplayNameNoE164CcKey].string
    fullExampleWithPlusSign = json[kCountryFullExampleWithPlusSignKey].string
    flag = iso2Cc?.unicodeScalars.flatMap { String.init(UnicodeScalar(baseScalar + $0.value)!) }.joined()

   Generates description of the object in the form of a NSDictionary.
   - returns: A Key value pair containing all valid values in the object.
  public func dictionaryRepresentation() -> [String: Any] {
    var dictionary: [String: Any] = [:]
    if let value = name { dictionary[kCountryNameKey] = value }
    if let value = e164Cc { dictionary[kCountryE164CcKey] = value }
    dictionary[kCountryGeographicKey] = geographic
    if let value = displayName { dictionary[kCountryDisplayNameKey] = value }
    if let value = e164Sc { dictionary[kCountryE164ScKey] = value }
    if let value = iso2Cc { dictionary[kCountryIso2CcKey] = value }
    if let value = e164Key { dictionary[kCountryE164KeyKey] = value }
    if let value = level { dictionary[kCountryLevelKey] = value }
    if let value = example { dictionary[kCountryExampleKey] = value }
    if let value = displayNameNoE164Cc { dictionary[kCountryDisplayNameNoE164CcKey] = value }
    if let value = fullExampleWithPlusSign { dictionary[kCountryFullExampleWithPlusSignKey] = value }
    return dictionary


和我项目中名为 cCodes.json 的JSON文件:

    "e164_cc": "93",
    "iso2_cc": "AF",
    "e164_sc": 0,
    "geographic": true,
    "level": 1,
    "name": "Afghanistan",
    "example": "701234567",
    "display_name": "Afghanistan (AF) [+93]",
    "full_example_with_plus_sign": "+93701234567",
    "display_name_no_e164_cc": "Afghanistan (AF)",
    "e164_key": "93-AF-0"
    "e164_cc": "263",
    "iso2_cc": "ZW",
    "e164_sc": 0,
    "geographic": true,
    "level": 1,
    "name": "Zimbabwe",
    "example": "711234567",
    "display_name": "Zimbabwe (ZW) [+263]",
    "full_example_with_plus_sign": "+263711234567",
    "display_name_no_e164_cc": "Zimbabwe (ZW)",
    "e164_key": "263-ZW-0"

但由于未知原因,应用程序在启动时因错误而崩溃:线程1:EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION(代码= EXC_I386_INVOP,子代码= 0x0)

这是错误控制台: enter image description here



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


据我所知,您错过了将public function Adminlogin() { if(Auth::attempt(['email' => request('email'), 'password' => request('password')])) { $user = Auth::user(); if($user->hasRole('admin')); { $success['token'] = $user->createToken('MyApp')->accessToken; return response()->json(['success' => $success], $this->successStatus); } return response()->json(['error'=>'Abort'], 403); } else { return response()->json(['error'=>'Unauthorised'], 401); } } 文件添加到目标会员资格中。

添加目标会员资格将解决您的问题。 见截图:

enter image description here
