
时间:2017-11-02 22:20:20

标签: r plot ggplot2

我需要帮助来创建一个简单的情节,以便为我老板的演示文稿显示比值比 - 这是我的第一篇文章。我是一个真正的R初学者,我似乎无法让这个工作。我尝试调整我在网上发现的一些明显产生的代码:

Dot plot


# Create labels for plot
boxLabels = c("Package recommendation", "Breeder’s recommendations", "Vet’s 
recommendation", "Measuring cup", "Weigh on scales", "Certain number of 
cans", "Ad lib feeding", "Adjusted for body weight")

# Enter OR and CI data. boxOdds are the odds ratios, 
boxCILow is the lower bound of the CI, boxCIHigh is the upper bound.

df <- data.frame(yAxis = length(boxLabels):1, boxOdds = c(0.9410685, 
0.6121181, 1.1232907, 1.2222137, 0.4712629, 0.9376822, 1.0010816, 
0.7121452), boxCILow = c(-0.1789719, -0.8468693,-0.00109809, 0.09021224, 
-1.0183040, -0.2014975, -0.1001832,-0.4695449), boxCIHigh = c(0.05633076, 
-0.1566818, 0.2326694, 0.3104405, -0.4999281, 0.07093752, 0.1018351, 

# Plot
p <- ggplot(df, aes(x = boxOdds, y = boxLabels)) 

p + geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 1), size = .25, linetype = "dashed") +
geom_errorbarh(aes(xmax = boxCIHigh, xmin = boxCILow), size = .5, height = 
.2, color = "gray50") +
 geom_point(size = 3.5, color = "orange") +
 theme_bw() +
 theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) +
 scale_y_discrete (breaks = yAxis, labels = boxLabels) +
 scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0,5,1) ) +
 coord_trans(x = "log10") +
 ylab("") +
 xlab("Odds ratio (log scale)") +
 annotate(geom = "text", y =1.1, x = 3.5, label ="Model p < 0.001\nPseudo 
 R^2 = 0.10", size = 3.5, hjust = 0) + ggtitle("Feeding method and risk of 
 obesity in cats")



enter image description here


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

您的置信区间在对数赔率上,因此您需要对它们进行转换以匹配比值比 - 所以您可以使用exp函数。虽然考虑一下 - 使用对数刻度轴绘制这些数据有效地逆转了您对变换所做的工作。所以,如果是我,我会将所有内容保存在我的数据中,并使用coord_trans()和scale_x_continuous()来完成转换数据的工作:

df <- data.frame(yAxis = length(boxLabels):1, 
                 boxOdds = log(c(0.9410685, 
                   0.6121181, 1.1232907, 1.2222137, 0.4712629, 0.9376822, 1.0010816, 
                  boxCILow = c(-0.1789719, -0.8468693,-0.00109809, 0.09021224,
                               -1.0183040, -0.2014975, -0.1001832,-0.4695449), 
                 boxCIHigh = c(0.05633076, -0.1566818, 0.2326694, 0.3104405, 
                               -0.4999281, 0.07093752, 0.1018351, -0.2113544)

(p <- ggplot(df, aes(x = boxOdds, y = boxLabels)) + 
    geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 0), size = .25, linetype = "dashed") + 
    geom_errorbarh(aes(xmax = boxCIHigh, xmin = boxCILow), size = .5, height = 
                    .2, color = "gray50") +
    geom_point(size = 3.5, color = "orange") +
    coord_trans(x = scales:::exp_trans(10)) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = log10(seq(0.1, 2.5, 0.1)), labels = seq(0.1, 2.5, 0.1),
                       limits = log10(c(0.09,2.5))) +
    theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) +
    ylab("") +
    xlab("Odds ratio") +
    annotate(geom = "text", y =1.1, x = log10(1.5), 
                     label = "Model p < 0.001\nPseudo R^2 = 0.10", size = 3.5, hjust = 0) + 
    ggtitle("Feeding method and risk of obesity in cats")


enter image description here

答案 1 :(得分:1)

很高兴您修复了ggplot2代码!但是这个例子的重点是要有一个x轴的对数标度来支持相对乘法效应估计(OR,RR,HR等)的解释<1 vs&gt; 1。例如,效果估计“0.5”是等效离开形式“1”作为效果估计“2”(这更容易在对数尺度上可视化)。

以下是提供的示例中原始代码的工作版本: 'http://www.jscarlton.net/post/2015-10-24VisualizingLogistic/'

df <- data.frame(yAxis = length(boxLabels):1,
  boxOdds = 
  boxCILow = 
  boxCIHigh = 

(p <- ggplot(df, aes(x = boxOdds, y = boxLabels)) +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 1), size = .25, linetype = 'dashed') +
  geom_errorbarh(aes(xmax = boxCIHigh, xmin = boxCILow), size = .5, height = 
      .2, color = 'gray50') +
  geom_point(size = 3.5, color = 'orange') +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0,7,1) ) +
  coord_trans(x = 'log10') +
  ylab('') +
  xlab('Odds ratio (log scale)') +
  annotate(geom = 'text', y =1.1, x = 3.5, label ='Model p < 0.001\nPseudo 
R^2 = 0.10', size = 3.5, hjust = 0) + ggtitle('Intention to remove box 
turtles from the road')