Excel VBA复制具有可变行和列编号的单元格块

时间:2017-11-03 16:04:28

标签: excel vba range

我正在尝试选择具有行号和列号作为变量的单元格块。让我们从一个静态的开始: - enter image description here

我已经获得了合并单元格的行数。现在我尝试将用例的完整块复制到新工作表(与用例同名)。 例如,我试图将用例Random 1的范围(" C7:K11")复制到Worksheet Random1。

我遇到的唯一问题是使用varibale行号和列号复制此Range。 但是,此静态代码以及具有动态变量的代码不起作用: -

shtPricing.Range(Cells(7, 3), Cells(9, 11)).Copy
xWb.Worksheets(UsecaseTrail).Range(Cells(2, 3), Cells(4, 11)).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues


Dim lColumn As Long
Dim RowCount As Long
Dim ColumnCounter As Long
Dim RowCounter As Long
Dim tempUseCase As String

lColumn = xWb.Worksheets("Pricing").Cells(6, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column

For RowCounter = 7 To 25 
    RowCount = xWb.Worksheets("Pricing").Range("B" & RowCounter).MergeArea.Rows.Count
    If RowCount > 1 Then
        If InStr(1, CStr(xWb.Worksheets("Pricing").Range("B" & RowCounter).Value), UsecaseTrail) Then 
                xWb.Worksheets("Pricing").Range(Cells(RowCounter, 3), Cells(RowCounter + RowCount - 1, lColumn)).Copy
                xWb.Worksheets(UsecaseTrail).Range(Cells(2, 3), Cells(2 + RowCount - 1, lColumn)).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues    
            End If
        RowCounter = RowCounter + RowCount - 1 'note -1 here
    End If
Next RowCounter

请注意,一切正常。除了具有变量Rowcounter和columncounter值的复制粘贴功能。 仅通过以下代码真的很有帮助: -

xWb.Worksheets("Pricing").Range(Cells(RowCounter, 3), Cells(RowCounter + RowCount - 1, lColumn)).Copy
xWb.Worksheets(UsecaseTrail).Range(Cells(2, 3), Cells(2 + RowCount - 1, lColumn)).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues

错误:enter image description here

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


@available(iOS 11, *)
public extension Data {

    public func jsonSerialized() -> Data? {
        guard let json = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: self) else {
            return nil
        let object: Any = {
            if let array = json as? Array<Any> {
                return array.strippingNulls()
            } else if let dictionary = json as? Dictionary<String, Any> {
                return dictionary.strippingNulls()
            } else {
                return json
        guard let data = try? JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: object, options: [.sortedKeys, .prettyPrinted]) else {
            return nil
        return data

    public static func jsonMismatch(lhs: Data, rhs: Data, alreadySerialized: Bool = false) -> Int? {
        switch alreadySerialized {
        case true:
            return _jsonMismatch(lhs: lhs, rhs: rhs)
        case false:
            guard let lhs = lhs.jsonSerialized(), let rhs = rhs.jsonSerialized() else {
                return nil
            return _jsonMismatch(lhs: lhs, rhs: rhs)

    private static func _jsonMismatch(lhs: Data, rhs: Data) -> Int? {
        guard let string1 = String(data: lhs, encoding: .utf8), let string2 = String(data: rhs, encoding: .utf8) else {
            return nil
        let components1 = string1.components(separatedBy: "\n")
        let components2 = string2.components(separatedBy: "\n")
        let count = components1.count < components2.count ? components1.count : components2.count
        for index in 0 ..< count {
            if components1[index] != components2[index] {
                return index
        return nil

private extension Array where Element == Any {

    func strippingNulls() -> Array {
        var array = self
        return array

    mutating func stripNulls() {
        let count = self.count
        guard count > 0 else {
        for _index in 0 ..< count {
            let index = count - 1 - _index
            if self[index] is NSNull {
                remove(at: index)
            } else if let array = self[index] as? [Any] {
                self[index] = array.strippingNulls()
            } else if let dictionary = self[index] as? [String: Any] {
                self[index] = dictionary.strippingNulls()

private extension Dictionary where Key == String, Value == Any {

    func strippingNulls() -> Dictionary {
        var dictionary = self
        return dictionary

    mutating func stripNulls() {
        for (key, value) in self {
            if value is NSNull {
                removeValue(forKey: key)
            } else if let array = value as? [Any] {
                self[key] = array.strippingNulls()
            } else if let dictionary = value as? [String: Any] {
                self[key] = dictionary.strippingNulls()



Dim r1 As Range, r2 As Range
With shtPricing
    Set r1 = Range(.Cells(7, 3), .Cells(9, 11))
End With

With xWb.Worksheets(UsecaseTrail)
    Set r2 = Range(.Cells(2, 3), .Cells(4, 11))
End With

r2.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues

请注意Sub ytrewq() Dim shtPricing As Worksheet Dim r1 As Range, r2 As Range Dim UsecaseTrail As String Dim xWb As Workbook Set shtPricing = Sheets("Sheet1") Set xWb = ThisWorkbook UsecaseTrail = "Sheet2" With shtPricing Set r1 = Range(.Cells(7, 3), .Cells(9, 11)) End With With xWb.Worksheets(UsecaseTrail) Set r2 = Range(.Cells(2, 3), .Cells(4, 11)) End With r1.Copy r2.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues End Sub
