我的A *路径查找算法没有返回正确的路径

时间:2017-11-03 19:12:40

标签: java algorithm artificial-intelligence path-finding a-star

我正在尝试实现A *寻路算法并遇到一些麻烦。根据我在互联网上找到的各种伪代码示例,我认为没有理由说它为什么不起作用。当前输出似乎更像是广度优先搜索算法。在尝试绘制结果后我注意到了这一点。如果有人能够发现我遗漏了什么或做错了什么,我将非常感激。相关代码如下:

public void Astar()

    //priority queues automatically sorted (by f)
    Node current = openNodes.peek(); //retrieves node with lowest f

    //System.out.println("(" + current.x + ", " + current.y + ")");

    //for drawing path (testing)

    //if goal is reached
    if (current.x == goal.x && current.y == goal.y) {

    else {


        // neighbor checks
        for (int x = current.x - 1; x <= current.x + 1; x++) {
            for (int y = current.y - 1; y <= current.y + 1; y++) {
                if (x != current.x || y != current.y) {

                    if ((x == current.x - 1 && y == current.y + 1) ||
                            (x == current.x + 1 && y == current.y + 1) ||
                            (x == current.x - 1 && y == current.y - 1) ||
                            (x == current.x + 1 && y == current.y - 1))

                        Node DiagonalNeighbor = new Node(x, y, current.g + diag, goal); //diagonal node

                        if (!(closedNodes.contains(DiagonalNeighbor)) && !(openNodes.contains(DiagonalNeighbor)) && map[x][y] == 0) {


                        Node Neighbor = new Node(x, y, current.g + 20, goal);

                        if (!(closedNodes.contains(Neighbor)) && !(openNodes.contains(Neighbor)) && map[x][y] == 0) {






public class Node implements Comparable<Node>{

int x;
int y;

int g;
float h;
float f;

public Node(int x, int y, int g, Node goal){

    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

    this.g = g;
    this.h = heuristic(goal);
    f = this.g+h;
    //f = h;

public Node(int x, int y){
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

// Overrides standard equals method (used to check if a list contains a specific node)
public boolean equals(Object other) {

    if(this == other) {
        return true;

    if(other == null) {
        return false;

    if(getClass() != other.getClass()) {
        return false;

    Node test = (Node)other;
    if(this.x == test.x && this.y == test.y) {
        return true;

    return false;

//used to sort lists (and sorts priority queue by f) -> [//Collections.sort(openNodes);] - sorts Array List by f values]
public int compareTo(Node n) {
    return (int) (f - n.f);

public float heuristic(Node endNode) {

    //euclidean distance
    float y = Math.abs (this.y - endNode.y); //y distance
    float x = Math.abs (this.x - endNode.x); //x distance
    float result = (float)Math.sqrt((y)*(y) +(x)*(x));
    return result;

    //delta max
    float x = Math.abs (this.x - endNode.x); //x distance
    float y = Math.abs (this.y - endNode.y); //y distance
    float result = Math.max(x,y);
    return result;



值得注意的另一件事是,目标节点,正如其名称所暗示的那样,起始节点已经添加到openNode优先级队列中,并且将继续在运行的渲染方法中调用Astar方法无限期(我的最终目标是在游戏中使用它)。 closedNodes和current是ArrayLists,后者存储绘制的路径并且对象应该遍历(我在顶部谈到了这个)。我希望我已经提供了足够的信息。请不要犹豫,向我询问更多信息。

使用的网格是22x15。如果grid [x] [y] = 1则它是一个障碍,它等于0然后它是可遍历的。起始节点位于(20,13),目标节点位于(1,1,)。这是使用的网格。请注意,左下角是(0,0),右上角是(22,15)。我知道它很奇怪只是滚动它。

int[][] map = {
        {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}, //22



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