
时间:2017-11-05 18:06:51

标签: vb.net winforms


Public Class frmMenu
    Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
        'Set variables
        Dim decCBurger As Decimal = 11D
        Dim decChicken As Decimal = 7.49D
        Dim decFries As Decimal = 5.99D
        Dim decOnionRings As Decimal = 5.99
        Dim decSalad As Decimal = 5.99
        Dim decSoup As Decimal = 5.99
        Dim decFP As Decimal = 5.99
        Dim decPickle As Decimal = 0.99
        Dim decOnion As Decimal = 0.99
        Dim decTomato As Decimal = 0.99
        Dim decBacon As Decimal = 0.99
        Dim decEgg As Decimal = 0.99
        Dim decTotalCost As Decimal
        Dim decSides As Decimal
        Dim decTop As Decimal
        Dim decMain As Decimal

        'Display cost and label 
        txtTotalCost.Text = decTotalCost.ToString("C")
        decTotalCost = decTop + decSides + decMain

        ' Check for main dish
        If radCBurger.Checked Then
            decMain = decCBurger
        ElseIf radChicken.Checked Then
            decMain = decChicken
        End If
        'Check for side dishes
        If chkFries.Checked Then
            decSides = decFries
        End If
        If chkOnionRings.Checked Then
            decSides = decOnionRings
        End If
        If chkFP.Checked Then
            decSides = decFP
        End If
        If chkSoup.Checked Then
            decSides = decSoup
        End If
        If chkSalad.Checked Then
            decSides = decSalad
        End If
        'Check for Toppings
        If chkOnion.Checked Then
            decTop = decOnion
        End If
        If chkTomato.Checked Then
            decTop = decTomato
        End If
        If chkBacon.Checked Then
            decTop = decBacon
        End If
        If chkEgg.Checked Then
            decTop = decEgg
        End If
        If chkPickle.Checked Then
            decTop = decPickle
        End If

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


 'Display cost and label 
        decTotalCost = decTop + decSides + decMain
        txtTotalCost.Text = decTotalCost.ToString("C")


Public Class frmMenu
    Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
        'Set variables
        Dim decCBurger As Decimal = 11D
        Dim decChicken As Decimal = 7.49D
        Dim decFries As Decimal = 5.99D
        Dim decOnionRings As Decimal = 5.99
        Dim decSalad As Decimal = 5.99
        Dim decSoup As Decimal = 5.99
        Dim decFP As Decimal = 5.99
        Dim decPickle As Decimal = 0.99
        Dim decOnion As Decimal = 0.99
        Dim decTomato As Decimal = 0.99
        Dim decBacon As Decimal = 0.99
        Dim decEgg As Decimal = 0.99
        Dim decTotalCost As Decimal
        Dim decSides As Decimal
        Dim decTop As Decimal
        Dim decMain As Decimal

        ' Check for main dish
        If radCBurger.Checked Then
            decMain = decCBurger
        ElseIf radChicken.Checked Then
            decMain = decChicken
        End If
        'Check for side dishes
        If chkFries.Checked Then
            decSides = decFries
        End If
        If chkOnionRings.Checked Then
            decSides = decOnionRings
        End If
        If chkFP.Checked Then
            decSides = decFP
        End If
        If chkSoup.Checked Then
            decSides = decSoup
        End If
        If chkSalad.Checked Then
            decSides = decSalad
        End If
        'Check for Toppings
        If chkOnion.Checked Then
            decTop = decOnion
        End If
        If chkTomato.Checked Then
            decTop = decTomato
        End If
        If chkBacon.Checked Then
            decTop = decBacon
        End If
        If chkEgg.Checked Then
            decTop = decEgg
        End If
        If chkPickle.Checked Then
            decTop = decPickle
        End If

        'Display cost and label 
        decTotalCost = decTop + decSides + decMain
        txtTotalCost.Text = decTotalCost.ToString("C")

end sub

end class