模式匹配并用if else循环替换字符串

时间:2017-11-06 08:17:16

标签: python r awk sed

我有一个包含多行以“1ECLI H --- 12.345 .....”开头的文件。我想删除I和H之间的空格,并在迭代H模式时添加R / S / T.例如。 H810如果连续三行重复,则应加上字母R,S(第二次迭代),T(第三次迭代)。所以它将是H810R。任何帮助将不胜感激 文字如下所示

1ECLI  H813   98   7.529   8.326   9.267
1ECLI  H813   99   7.427   8.470   9.251
1ECLI  C814  100   7.621   8.513   9.263
1ECLI  H814  101   7.607   8.617   9.289
1ECLI  H814  102   7.633   8.489   9.156
1ECLI  H814  103   7.721   8.509   9.305
1ECLI   C74  104   8.164   8.733  10.740
1ECLI  H74R  105   8.247   8.690  10.799

on chage

1ECLI H813R   98   7.529   8.326   9.267
1ECLI H813S   99   7.427   8.470   9.251
1ECLI  C814  100   7.621   8.513   9.263
1ECLI H814R  101   7.607   8.617   9.289
1ECLI H814s  102   7.633   8.489   9.156
1ECLI H814T  103   7.721   8.509   9.305
1ECLI   C74  104   8.164   8.733  10.740
1ECLI  H74R  105   8.247   8.690  10.799


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


awk '
$2 !~ /^H[0-9]+/ || i==3{
$2 ~ /^H[0-9]+$/ && /^1ECLI/{
'   Input_file  > temp_file  && mv  temp_file   Input_file


awk '
BEGIN{                        ##Starting BEGIN section of awk here.
  val[1]="R";                 ##creating an array named val whose index is 1 and value is string R.
  val[2]="S";                 ##creating array val 2nd element here whose value is S.
  val[3]="T"                  ##creating array val 3rd element here whose value is T.
$2 !~ /^H[0-9]+/ || i==3{     ##Checking condition if 2nd field does not start from H and digits after that OR variable i value is equal to 3.
  i=""                        ##Then nullifying the value of variable i here.
$2 ~ /^H[0-9]+$/ && /^1ECLI/{ ##Checking here if 2nd field value is starts from H till all digits till end AND line starts from 1ECLI string then do following.
  $2=$2val[++i]               ##re-creating value of 2nd field by adding value of array val whose index is increasing value of variable i.
1                             ##Mentioning 1 here, which means it will print the current line.
' Input_file   > temp_file  && mv  temp_file   Input_file                 ##Mentioning Input_file name here.

答案 1 :(得分:1)


awk 'BEGIN{split("R,S,T",a,/,/)}f=$2~/^H[0-9]+$/{$2 = $2 a[++c]}!f{c=0}1' infile 


  • split("R,S,T",a,/,/) - 按分隔符逗号分割字符串"R,S,T",并保存在数组a中,因此它变为a[1] = R, a[2] = S, a[3] = T

  • f=$2~/^H[0-9]+$/ - f是变量,验证regexp $2 ~ /^H[0-9]+$/,返回布尔状态。如果它返回true,那么变量f将为真,否则false

  • $2 = $2 a[++c]如果上面的一个为真,则修改第二个字段,因此第二个字段将具有现有值加上数组a值,对应于索引(c), ++c是预增量变量

  • !f{c=0}如果变量f为false,则重置变量c,而不是连续。

  • 最后
  • 1执行默认操作,即打印当前/记录/行,print $0。要知道awk如何工作,请尝试awk '1' infile,它将打印所有记录/行,而awk '0' infile则不打印任何内容。除零以外的任何数字都是 true ,这会触发默认行为。


$ cat infile
1ECLI  H813   98   7.529   8.326   9.267
1ECLI  H813   99   7.427   8.470   9.251
1ECLI  C814  100   7.621   8.513   9.263
1ECLI  H814  101   7.607   8.617   9.289
1ECLI  H814  102   7.633   8.489   9.156
1ECLI  H814  103   7.721   8.509   9.305
1ECLI   C74  104   8.164   8.733  10.740
1ECLI  H74R  105   8.247   8.690  10.799

$ awk 'BEGIN{split("R,S,T",a,/,/)}f=$2~/^H[0-9]+$/{$2 = $2 a[++c]}!f{c=0}1' infile
1ECLI H813R 98 7.529 8.326 9.267
1ECLI H813S 99 7.427 8.470 9.251
1ECLI  C814  100   7.621   8.513   9.263
1ECLI H814R 101 7.607 8.617 9.289
1ECLI H814S 102 7.633 8.489 9.156
1ECLI H814T 103 7.721 8.509 9.305
1ECLI   C74  104   8.164   8.733  10.740
1ECLI  H74R  105   8.247   8.690  10.799


$ awk -v OFS="\t" 'BEGIN{split("R,S,T",a,/,/)}f=$2~/^H[0-9]+$/{$2 = $2 a[++c]}!f{c=0}{$1=$1}1'  infile
1ECLI   H813R   98  7.529   8.326   9.267
1ECLI   H813S   99  7.427   8.470   9.251
1ECLI   C814    100 7.621   8.513   9.263
1ECLI   H814R   101 7.607   8.617   9.289
1ECLI   H814S   102 7.633   8.489   9.156
1ECLI   H814T   103 7.721   8.509   9.305
1ECLI   C74     104 8.164   8.733   10.740
1ECLI   H74R    105 8.247   8.690   10.799

答案 2 :(得分:0)


with open('filename') as f:
    lines = f.readlines()

from collections import defaultdict
cntd = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
suffix = ['R', 'S', 'T']
newlines = []
for line in lines:
        kwd = line.split()[1]
    except IndexError:
    if kwd[0] == 'H' and kwd[-1].isdigit():
        sfx = suffix[cntd[kwd]]
        idx = line.index(kwd)
        nl = line[:idx -1] + kwd + sfx + line[idx + len(kwd):]
        # nl = line[:idx + len(kwd)] + sfx + line[idx + len(kwd):] # adjust formatting to your taste
        cntd[kwd] += 1

with open('filename', 'w') as f: