
时间:2017-11-07 03:05:34

标签: javascript jquery

如果我有searchbox.onsubmit = function(){ //Function here }并且我希望searchbtn.onclick触发相同的功能,我该怎么做呢?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


Partial Class TaxCalcualtor
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Private totalWages As Decimal
Private taxesWithheld As Decimal
Private deductions As Integer
Private married As Boolean
Private taxLiability As Decimal
Private federalTaxes As Decimal
Private stateTaxes As Decimal
Private localTaxes As Decimal

Function SingleFunction(ByVal totalWages As Decimal, ByVal married As Boolean, ByVal taxLiability As Decimal) As Decimal
    Dim taxRate As Decimal
    totalWages = CDec(TextBoxWages.Text)
    If married = False And totalWages < 25000.0 Then
        taxRate = 0.15
    ElseIf married = False And totalWages >= 25000.0 And totalWages < 45000.0 Then
        taxRate = 0.18
    ElseIf married = False And totalWages >= 45000.0 And totalWages < 65000.0 Then
        taxRate = 0.22
    ElseIf married = False And totalWages >= 65000.0 And totalWages < 85000.0 Then
        taxRate = 0.28
    ElseIf married = False And totalWages >= 85000.0 And totalWages < 100000.0 Then
        taxRate = 0.32
    ElseIf married = False And totalWages >= 100000.0 Then
        taxRate = 0.35
    End If
    taxLiability = taxRate * totalWages
    Return taxLiability
End Function

Function SingleMarriedFunction(ByVal totalWages As Decimal, ByVal married As Boolean, ByVal taxLiability As Decimal) As Decimal
    Dim taxRate As Decimal
    totalWages = CDec(TextBoxWages.Text)
    If married = True And totalWages < 25000.0 Then
        taxRate = 0.13
    ElseIf married = True And totalWages >= 25000.0 And totalWages < 45000.0 Then
        taxRate = 0.16
    ElseIf married = True And totalWages >= 45000.0 And totalWages < 65000.0 Then
        taxRate = 0.18
    ElseIf married = True And totalWages >= 65000.0 And totalWages < 85000.0 Then
        taxRate = 0.2
    ElseIf married = True And totalWages >= 85000.0 And totalWages < 100000.0 Then
        taxRate = 0.22
    ElseIf married = True And totalWages >= 100000.0 Then
        taxRate = 0.24
    End If
    taxLiability = taxRate * totalWages
    Return taxLiability
End Function

Function FederalTax(ByVal taxWithheld As Decimal, ByVal taxLiability As Decimal, ByVal deductions As Integer) As Decimal
    Dim federalTaxes As Decimal
    taxesWithheld = CDec(TextBoxTaxesWithheld.Text)
    federalTaxes = taxWithheld - taxLiability - (deductions * 750)
    Return federalTaxes
End Function

Function StateTax(ByVal totalWages As Decimal) As Decimal
    Dim stateTaxes As Decimal
    totalWages = CDec(TextBoxWages.Text)
    stateTaxes = totalWages * 0.06
    Return stateTaxes
End Function

Function LocalTax(ByVal totalWages As Decimal) As Decimal
    Dim localTaxes As Decimal
    totalWages = CDec(TextBoxWages.Text)
    localTaxes = totalWages * 0.01
    Return localTaxes
End Function

Sub DisplayData()
    Label7.Text += "Tax Liability: " + CStr(taxLiability)
    Label7.Text += "Federal Taxes: " + CStr(federalTaxes)
    Label7.Text += "State Taxes: " + CStr(stateTaxes)
    Label7.Text += "Local Taxes: " + CStr(localTaxes)
End Sub

Protected Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub
End Class

答案 1 :(得分:0)


var myFunction = function() {

searchbox.addEventListener("submit", myFunction);
searchbtn.addEventListener("click", myFunction);