使用ng-if / ng-show / ng-hide

时间:2017-11-09 01:38:10

标签: javascript html angularjs angularjs-ng-if

我的html中有很少的div。我将内容导出为PDF,并在用户单击导出按钮时下载PDF。我想要几个div的内容不能在PDF中导出/显示,但它应该显示在网页上。我已经将ng-if="!isExporting"用于div,其内容我不想在PDF和js代码中显示加载页面时我已分配$scope.isExporting = false;以及用户单击导出按钮,调用函数export(),我已分配$scope.isExporting = true。问题仍然是内容导出到PDF并显示。请建议如何隐藏/限制某些div的内容在PDF中显示,但应显示在网页上。



<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane active" ng-controller="myDetailsController">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-12">
      <div class="panel panel-primary">
        <div style="margin-left: 5%">
          <button ng-click="export()">export</button>

          <form name="myDetailsform" novalidate>
            <div ng-if="addRow" class="row" style="border: 1px solid; width: 90%; margin-top: 2%;">
              <div class="row">
                <div class="col-md-3" style="margin-left: 2%">
                  <div style="font-size: 4vmin;">Title1:</div>
                  <div class="form-group" ng-class="{ 'has-error': myDetailsform.title.$error.required }">
                    <input style="width: 100%; height: 230px;" type="text" name="title" class="form-control" ng-model="dataRow2Add.title" required/>
                <div class="col-md-8 summernote1">
                  <div style="font-size: 4vmin;" class="hideThis" ng-if="!isExporting">Details1 :</div>
                  <summernote config="summerOptions" ng-model="dataRow2Add.titleDetails" ng-if="!isExporting"></summernote>
            <div id="{{value.title}}" ng-repeat="(key, value) in myDetailsDetails" class="myDivClass">
              <div ng-hide="editData[value.myDetailsDetailsId]" class="row" style="border: 1px solid; width: 90%; margin-top: 2%;">
                <div class="row" style="margin-top: 1%">
                  <div class="col-md-10">
                    <span style="margin-left: 2%" class="hideThis" ng-if="!isExporting">
                      <label>Pick Date To : <input type="date" ng-model="panelCopyDate">
                        <button class="btn btn-primary" type="button" ng-click="copyPanelToDate($index, panelCopyDate)">GO</button>
                      <a style="margin-left: 5%; font-size: 100%;" href="javascript:void(0)" ng-click="copyToNextWeek($index)">Pick Date To Next Week</a>
                  <div class="col-md-1">
                    <a style="float:right; margin-right: 2%; margin-top: 1%; font-size: 24px;" href="javascript:void(0)" ng-click="modifydataRow(value.myDetailsDetailsId, $index)" class="hideThis">Edit</a>
                <div class="row">
                  <div style="font-size: 5vmin; color: #162E71;margin-left: 2%;">{{value.title}}</div>
                  <div style="margin-left: 3%; margin-top: 2%; margin-bottom: 2%" ng-bind-html="trustAsHtml{{value.titleDetails}}"></div>

                <div class="col-md-8 summernote1" ng-if="isExporting">
                  <h2>Dont show/export this and below div content to PDF</h2>
                  <div style="font-size: 4vmin;" class="hideThis" ng-if="!isExporting">Details2 : hideBasicInfo :::{{hideBasicInfo}}</div>
                  <summernote config="summerOptions" ng-model="value.titleDetails" class="hideThis" ng-if="isExporting"></summernote>

js code:

$scope.isExporting = false;

$scope.export = function() {
  var pdf = new jsPDF('p', 'pt', 'A4');
  var pdfName = 'test.pdf';
  var options = {};
  $scope.isExporting = true;
  $scope.hideBasicInfo = true;   
  var $divs = $('.myDivClass') //jQuery object of all the myDivClass divs
  var numRecursionsNeeded = $divs.length -1; //the number of times we need to call addHtml (once per div)
  var currentRecursion=0;

  function recursiveAddHtmlAndSave(currentRecursion, totalRecursions){
    //Once we have done all the divs save the pdf
      $scope.isExporting = false;  //again isExporting should be assigned to false to make it visible on the webpage once the PDF is saved.
    } else {
      pdf.fromHTML($('.myDivClass')[currentRecursion], 15, 20, options, function() {
        recursiveAddHtmlAndSave(currentRecursion, totalRecursions)

  pdf.fromHTML($('.myDivClass')[currentRecursion], 15, 20, options, function() {
    recursiveAddHtmlAndSave(currentRecursion, numRecursionsNeeded);

PS:我想在网页上显示div,但很少有div不会显示在PDF中。我尝试过使用ng-show / ng-hide,但行为相同,它没有隐藏PDF中的内容。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



setTimeout(function() {
  var $divs = $('.myDivClass') //jQuery object of all the myDivClass divs
  var numRecursionsNeeded = $divs.length - 1; //the number of times we need to call addHtml (once per div)
  var currentRecursion = 0;

  function recursiveAddHtmlAndSave(currentRecursion, totalRecursions) {
    //Once we have done all the divs save the pdf
    if (currentRecursion == totalRecursions) {
      $scope.isExporting = false; //again isExporting should be assigned to false to make it visible on the webpage once the PDF is saved.
    } else {
      pdf.fromHTML($('.myDivClass')[currentRecursion], 15, 20, options, function() {
        recursiveAddHtmlAndSave(currentRecursion, totalRecursions)

  pdf.fromHTML($('.myDivClass')[currentRecursion], 15, 20, options, function() {
    recursiveAddHtmlAndSave(currentRecursion, numRecursionsNeeded);
}, 100);

编辑 - 已修复,因此导出后内容将再次显示。


setTimeout(function() {
  pdf.fromHTML($('.myDivClass')[currentRecursion], 15, 20, options, function() {
    recursiveAddHtmlAndSave(currentRecursion, numRecursionsNeeded);
}, 10)

setTimeout(function() {
  $scope.$apply(function() {
    $scope.isExporting = false;
    $scope.hideBasicInfo = false;
}, 20);


答案 1 :(得分:1)


var elementHandler = {
  '#skipExport': function (element, renderer) {
    return true;

var options = {
  'elementHandlers': elementHandler


<h2 id="skipExport">Don't show/export this and below div content to PDF</h2>

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