基于同一单元格中的文本更改单元格中的文本颜色 - Word VBA

时间:2017-11-14 20:13:39

标签: vba ms-word


我在word文档的每个单元格中都有几行文本。每个单元格包含一个类别" Science"或者"健康"或其他几个。在那一刻我实际上只是使用了一个特殊的角色,如" *"或" @"用于测试目的。

我需要更改单元格中所有文本的文本颜色,具体取决于单元格中的类别。所以txt将是例如绿色为"科学" "健康"。



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Sub ColorCells()

    Dim tbl As Table
    Dim rw As Row
    Dim cll As Cell
    Dim i As Long
    Dim Keywords As Variant, Colors As Variant

    'if you have more than one table, you have to look through them
    Set tbl = ThisDocument.Tables(1)

    'Make two arrays - one with keywords and the second with colors
    'where the colors are in the same position in their array as the
    'keywords are in theirs
    Keywords = Array("Science", "Health")
    Colors = Array(wdBlue, wdDarkRed)

    'Loop through every row in the table
    For Each rw In tbl.Rows
        'Loop through every cell in the row
        For Each cll In rw.Cells
            'Loop through every keyword in your array
            For i = LBound(Keywords) To UBound(Keywords)
                'if the keyword exist, change the color and stop checking
                'further keywords
                If InStr(1, cll.Range.Text, Keywords(i)) > 0 Then
                    cll.Range.Font.ColorIndex = Colors(i)
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next i
        Next cll
    Next rw

End Sub


Colors = Array(RGB(192, 192, 192), RGB(188, 25, 67))


cll.Range.Font.TextColor.RGB = Colors(i)