R - 自变量和多项式项之间的相互作用

时间:2017-11-18 23:40:50

标签: r regression interaction

我感兴趣的是将一个自变量( sex )与持续时间的数字自变量(工作时间)进行交互。


y = sex * working_hours + I(working_hours^2) 


y = sex * working_hours + sex * I(working_hours^2)  


lmer(y ~ sex * working_hours + I(working_hours^2) + (1 | id), data = df)

lmer(y ~ sex * working_hours + sex * I(working_hours^2) + (1 | id), data = df)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() databaseRef = Database.database().reference().child("Rentals") databaseRef?.observe(.childAdded, with: { (snapshot) in if let dictonary = snapshot.value as? [String: AnyObject] { print(snapshot) switch snapshot.key { case "bond" : _ = dictonary.map{self.rentalsObject.bond.append(($0.value as? String)!)} // print(self.arrayOfBond) case "dateAval" : _ = dictonary.map{self.rentalsObject.dateAval.append(($0.value as? String)!)} case "description" : _ = dictonary.map{self.rentalsObject.descripton.append(($0.value as? String)!)} case "location" : _ = dictonary.map{self.rentalsObject.location.append(($0.value as? String)!)} case "pets" : _ = dictonary.map{self.rentalsObject.pets.append(($0.value as? String)!)} case "price" : _ = dictonary.map{self.rentalsObject.price.append(($0.value as? String)!)} case "rentalType" : _ = dictonary.map{self.rentalsObject.rentalType.append(($0.value as? String)!)} case "title" : _ = dictonary.map{self.rentalsObject.title.append(($0.value as? String)!)} print(self.rentalsObject.title) // _ = dictonary.map{self.arrayOfTitles.append($0.value as? String)} // print(self.arrayOfTitles) default: break } } whateverCollectionIsYourInCacheDataSource = whateverCollectionIsYourInCacheDataSource.sorted(by: { ($0, $1) -> Bool in return $0 < $1 //If you want to sort them by their date value. Make sure the dates are properly interpreted from whatever format they're saved in remotely into the Date type. }) DispatchQueue.main.async { //No need to call .reloadData and these methods in viewDidLoad, unless you REALLY have to (ie: your data is modified on purpose after being loaded initially). Calling these methods loads up the data anyways, so just call these whenever your data is downloaded, converted and sorted properly. tableView.dataSource = self tableView.dataSource = self } }) } 将允许y = sex * working_hours + I(working_hours^2)和工作时间之间关系的线性部分变化y,而两性关系的二次部分将相同。换句话说,如果你为每个性别画出合适的线条,那就是“弯曲”。这种关系是一样的,但是“倾斜”是关系。曲线会有所不同。


以我的思维方式,后者更有意义 - 如果我们允许线性部分变化,为什么我们会假设两性关系的二次部分应该是相同的?