
时间:2017-11-22 21:10:11

标签: c++ c++11 sfinae

如果foo上存在成员函数T,并且如果它不调用自由函数foo(T),我可以编写一个模板函数来调用成员函数template<typename T> int call_foo(T t) { // if T::foo() exists return t.foo(); // else return foo(t); } 吗?如果两者都不存在则无法编译?



相反的情况怎么样:在成员函数之前更喜欢自由函数export class ServerCertificationGrid implements OnInit { public data: GridDataResult; private filter: CompositeFilterDescriptor; public state: DataSourceRequestState = { skip: 0, take: 20, filter: filterBy(this.data, { // This also does not work. logic: 'and', filters: [ { field: "name", operator: "contains", value: this.applicationName, ignoreCase: true } ] }) }; @Input() public applicationName: string; constructor(private dataService: DataService, private dialogService: DialogService) { console.log(this.applicationName); // This does not work because this.state.filter is null. //let fd: FilterDescriptor = { // field: "name", // operator: "contains", // value: this.applicationName, // ignoreCase: true //} //this.state.filter.filters.push(fd); this.dataService.getCertificationOverview(this.state) .subscribe(r => { console.log(r); this.data = r; }); }?我不能使用C ++ 11之后引入的任何功能。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:14)

这不太难。有许多方法可以检查任意表达式是否有效。您可以将其与C ++ 17中的if constexpr或早期的代码调度结合使用,以获得您想要的行为。

这使用C ++ 17,但所有内容都可以在以前的版本中完成:

#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>

// This is just one way to write a type trait, it's not necessarily
// the best way. You could use the Detection Idiom, for example
// (http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/experimental/is_detected).
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct has_member_fn
    : std::false_type

// std::void_t is a C++17 library feature. It can be replaced
// with your own implementation of void_t, or often by making the
// decltype expression void, whether by casting or by comma operator
// (`decltype(expr, void())`)
template <typename T>
struct has_member_fn<T,
    : std::true_type

template <typename T, typename = void>
struct has_free_fn
    : std::false_type

template <typename T>
struct has_free_fn<T,
    // Be wary of ADL. You're basically asking the compiler,
    // "What's the result of foo(T{}) if I were to call that
    // here?" That syntax can call functions via ADL
    : std::true_type

template <typename T>
int call_foo(T t) {
    // if constexpr is C++17, but you can use tag dispatch to
    // do the same in prior versions
    if constexpr (has_member_fn<T>::value) {
        return t.foo();
    } else {
        // you could make this an `else if constexpr (has_free_fn<T>::value)`
        // and provide a better case for if neither exists
        return foo(t);

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答案 1 :(得分:6)

Pre C ++ 17你可以使用if constexpr编译/不编译同一函数的不同部分。

因此,在C ++ 17之前,您必须在某处执行两个不同的功能。


template <typename T>
auto call_foo_h (T t, int) -> decltype( t.foo() )
 { return t.foo(); }

template <typename T>
auto call_foo_h (T t, long) -> decltype( foo(t) )
 { return foo(t); }


template <typename T>
int call_foo (T const & t)
 { return call_foo_h(t, 0); }
//......................^ a int value

观察call_foo_h()中的第二个(未使用的)参数; int版本中的T::foo(),免费版本中的long





template <typename T>
int call_foo (T const & t)
 { return call_foo_h(t, 0L); }
//......................^^ a long value
