如何在Haskell / Idris中使用约束有限状态机?

时间:2017-12-05 18:42:41

标签: haskell idris state-machine pushdown-automaton


问题的TLDR :我怎样才能从FSM表示组合爆炸的第一张图片到第二张图片,在那里您需要在继续之前访问所有这些图片。


在下图中,有Initial个状态,3个临时状态A, B, CFinal状态。如果我没有弄错,在“正常”FSM中,您将始终需要n!个临时状态来表示可能路径的每个组合。

A combinatorial Explosion


相反,使用类型系列,可能还有依赖类型,我认为应该可以有一种随身携带的状态,并且只有当它通过时某些谓词将被允许进入最终状态。 (这是否使推倒自动机而不是FSM?)

Constrained Finite State Machine

到目前为止,我的代码( idris ),通过类比,正在添加成分来制作沙拉,顺序无关紧要,但他们都需要将其制作成:

data SaladState = Initial | AddingIngredients | ReadyToEat

record SaladBowl where
       constructor MkSaladBowl
       lettuce, tomato, cucumber : Bool

data HasIngredient : (ingredient : SaladBowl -> Bool) -> (bowl : SaladBowl ** ingredient bowl = True) -> Type where
     Bowl : HasIngredient ingredient bowl

data HasIngredients : (ingredients : List (SaladBowl -> Bool))
                     -> (bowl : SaladBowl ** (foldl (&&) True (map (\i => i bowl) ingredients) = True)) 
                     -> Type where
     Bowlx : HasIngredients ingredients bowl

data SaladAction : (ty : Type) -> SaladState -> (ty -> SaladState) -> Type where
     GetBowl     : SaladAction SaladBowl Initial (const Initial)
     AddLettuce  : SaladBowl -> SaladAction (bowl ** HasIngredient lettuce bowl)  st (const AddingIngredients)
     AddTomato   : SaladBowl -> SaladAction (bowl ** HasIngredient tomato bowl)   st (const AddingIngredients)
     AddCucumber : SaladBowl -> SaladAction (bowl ** HasIngredient cucumber bowl) st (const AddingIngredients)
     MixItUp     : SaladBowl -> SaladAction (bowl ** (HasIngredients [lettuce, tomato, cucumber] bowl)) AddingIngredients (const ReadyToEat)
     Pure : (res : ty) -> SaladAction ty (state_fn res) state_fn
     (>>=) : SaladAction a state1 state2_fn
           -> ((res : a) -> SaladAction b (state2_fn res) state3_fn)
           -> SaladAction b state1 state3_fn

emptyBowl : SaladBowl
emptyBowl = MkSaladBowl False False False

prepSalad1 : SaladAction SaladBowl Initial (const ReadyToEat)
prepSalad1 = do
           (b1 ** _) <- AddTomato emptyBowl
           (b2 ** _) <- AddLettuce b1
           (b3 ** _) <- AddCucumber b2
           MixItUp b3


BAD : SaladAction SaladBowl Initial (const ReadyToEat)
BAD = do
           (b1 ** _) <- AddTomato emptyBowl
           (b2 ** _) <- AddTomato emptyBowl
           (b3 ** _) <- AddLettuce b2
           (b4 ** _) <- AddCucumber b3
           MixItUp b4

BAD' : SaladAction SaladBowl Initial (const ReadyToEat)
BAD' = do
           (b1 ** _) <- AddTomato emptyBowl
           MixItUp b1

我最终希望“成分”成为Sums而不是Bools(data Lettuce = Romaine | Iceberg | Butterhead),以及更强大的语义,我可以说“你必须首先添加生菜,或菠菜,但不能同时添加”。< / p>

真的,我感到非常彻底迷失,我想我上面的代码已经走向了完全错误的方向......我怎样才能构建这个FSM(PDA?)来排除坏程序?我特别喜欢使用Haskell,也许使用 Indexed Monads

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

索引状态monad 就是这样做的。

常规State s monad模拟状态机(具体为 Mealy 机器),其状态字母为s类型。这种数据类型实际上只是一个函数:

newtype State s a = State { run :: s -> (a, s) }

类型a -> State s b的函数是一个输入字母a和输出字母b的机器。但它实际上只是(a, s) -> (b, s)类型的函数。


(>>=) :: State s a -> (a -> State s b) -> State s b
m >>= f = State (\s1 -> let (a, s2) = run m s1 in run (f a) s2)  

换句话说,State s monad

但有时(如你的情况),我们需要改变中间状态的类型。这是索引状态monad的用武之地。它有两个状态字母。 IxState i j a模拟一台机器,其开始状态必须在i,最终状态将在j中:

newtype IxState i j a = IxState { run :: i -> (a, j) }

常规State s monad等同于IxState s s。我们可以像IxState一样轻松地撰写State。实现与以前相同,但类型签名更通用:

(>>>=) :: IxState i j a -> (a -> IxState j k b) -> IxState i k b
m >>>= f = IxState (\s1 -> let (a, s2) = run m s1 in run (f a) s2)  



mix :: IxState (Salad r) Ready ()



data Salad xs = Salad
data Ready = Ready
data Lettuce
data Cucumber
data Tomato


emptyBowl :: IxState x (Salad '[]) ()
emptyBowl = iput Salad


addLettuce :: IxState (Salad r) (Salad (Lettuce ': r)) ()
addLettuce = iput Salad



mix :: IxState (Salad '[Lettuce, Cucumber, Tomato]) Ready ()
mix = const Ready


emptyBowl >>>= \_ -> addLettuce >>>= \_ -> mix


class Elem xs x

instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} Elem (x ': xs) x
instance Elem xs x => Elem (y ': xs) x

Elem xs x现在证明类型x位于类型级列表xs中。第一个实例(基本案例)说x显然是x ': xs的一个元素。第二个实例表示如果类型xxs的元素,那么对于任何类型y ': xs,它也是y的元素。 OVERLAPS是必要的,以确保Haskell知道首先检查基本情况。


{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

import Control.Monad.Indexed
import Control.Monad.Indexed.State

data Lettuce
data Tomato
data Cucumber

data Ready = Ready

class Elem xs x

instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} Elem (x ': xs) x
instance Elem xs x => Elem (y ': xs) x

data Salad xs = Salad

emptyBowl :: IxState x (Salad '[]) ()
emptyBowl = iput Salad

addLettuce :: IxState (Salad r) (Salad (Lettuce ': r)) ()
addLettuce = iput Salad

addTomato :: IxState (Salad r) (Salad (Tomato ': r)) ()
addTomato = iput Salad

addCucumber :: IxState (Salad r) (Salad (Cucumber ': r)) ()
addCucumber = iput Salad

mix :: (Elem r Lettuce, Elem r Tomato, Elem r Cucumber)
    => IxState (Salad r) Ready ()
mix = imodify mix'
  where mix' = const Ready

x >>> y = x >>>= const y

-- Compiles
test = emptyBowl >>> addLettuce >>> addTomato >>> addCucumber >>> mix

-- Fails with a compile-time type error
fail = emptyBowl >>> addTomato >>> mix

答案 1 :(得分:4)



type IntBoolChar = ((((), Int), Bool), Char)


-- we will *not* be using this type like a state monad
addLettuce :: a -> (a, Lettuce)
addLettuce = (, Romaine)

addOlives :: a -> (a, Olive)
addOlives = (, Kalamata)

addCheese :: a -> (a, Cheese)
addCheese = (, Feta)

addGreekSaladIngredients :: a -> (((a, Lettuce), Olive), Cheese)
-- yes, i know you also need tomatoes and onions for a Greek salad. i'm trying to keep the example short
addGreekSaladIngredients = addCheese . addOlives . addLettuce

这不是高级魔术。它可以在任何语言中使用元组。我甚至在C#中围绕这个想法设计了现实世界的API,以部分弥补C#在Haskell中使用Applicative语法时缺乏currying的问题。 Here's an example来自我的解析器组合库:starting with an empty permutation parser,你Add一些不同类型的原子解析器,然后是Build一个解析器,它以不对顺序运行这些解析器方式,返回他们的结果的嵌套元组,然后你可以手工扁平。


data Salad = Salad {
    _lettuce :: Lettuce,
    _olive :: Olive,
    _cheese :: Cheese


class Has a s where
    has :: Lens' s a

-- this kind of function can be written generically using TH or Generics
toSalad :: (Has Lettuce s, Has Olive s, Has Cheese s) => s -> Salad
toSalad x = Salad (x^.has) (x^.has) (x^.has)

(这是对the HasX classes that lens generates with Template Haskell的直接概括。)


结果是我们需要The Advanced Overlap Trick。简而言之,该技巧使用封闭类型族来基于类型相等性来调度类型类。我们在两种选择之间进行选择,因此这是少数几种可以接受类型级布尔值的情况之一。

type family Here a as where
    Here a (_, a) = True
    Here a (_, b) = False

class Has' (here :: Bool) a s where
    has' :: Proxy here -> Lens' s a

instance Has' True a (as, a) where
    has' _ = _2
instance Has a as => Has' False a (as, b) where
    has' _ = _1.has

instance Has' (Here a (as, b)) a (as, b) => Has a (as, b) where
    has = has' (Proxy :: Proxy (Here a (as, b)))


toSalad :: (((a, Lettuce), Olive), Cheese) -> Salad
toSalad (((_, l), o), c) = Salad l o c



greekSalad = toSalad $ addGreekSaladIngredients ()

ghci> greekSalad
Salad {_lettuce = Romaine, _olive = Kalamata, _cheese = Feta}  -- after deriving Show


{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

import Control.Lens hiding (has, has')
import Data.Proxy

data Lettuce = Romaine deriving (Show)
data Olive = Kalamata deriving (Show)
data Cheese = Feta deriving (Show)

data Salad = Salad {
    _lettuce :: Lettuce,
    _olive :: Olive,
    _cheese :: Cheese
} deriving (Show)

-- we will *not* be using this type like a state monad
addLettuce :: a -> (a, Lettuce) -- <<< Tuple Sections
addLettuce = (, Romaine)

addOlives :: a -> (a, Olive)
addOlives = (, Kalamata)

addCheese :: a -> (a, Cheese)
addCheese = (, Feta)

addGreekSaladIngredients :: a -> (((a, Lettuce), Olive), Cheese)
addGreekSaladIngredients = addCheese . addOlives . addLettuce

class Has a s where
  has :: Lens' s a

type family Here a as where
    Here a (_, a) = True
    Here a (_, b) = False

class Has' (here :: Bool) a s where
    has' :: Proxy here -> Lens' s a

instance Has' True a (as, a) where
    has' _ = _2

instance Has a as => Has' False a (as, b) where
    has' _ = _1.has

instance  Has' (Here a (as, b)) a (as, b) => Has a (as, b) where -- <<< Undecidable Instances
    has = has' (Proxy :: Proxy (Here a (as, b)))

toSalad :: (Has Lettuce s, Has Olive s, Has Cheese s) => s -> Salad
toSalad x = Salad (x ^. has) (x ^. has) (x ^. has)

greekSalad = toSalad $ addGreekSaladIngredients ()

-- nonSaladsError = toSalad $ (addCheese . addOlives) ()