
时间:2017-12-06 21:34:24

标签: haskell

我目前正在开发一个需要解析命令行参数的项目。到目前为止,我一直在关注this tutorial,这非常有帮助,但我无法弄清楚如何在参数中返回变量(--author = example)。我也无法弄清楚为什么 parse [] = getContents 会导致错误(我必须取消注释)。


module Main where

import qualified System.Environment as SE
import qualified System.Exit as E
import qualified Lib as Lib

main = do
  args <- SE.getArgs
  rem <- parse args
  putStrLn rem
  putStrLn "Hello"

tac  = unlines . reverse . lines

parse ["--help"]    = usage   >> exit
parse ["--version"] = version >> exit
parse ["--author=xyz"] = return "xyz"
-- parse ["--author=?"] = ?
this is the code I am trying to figure out... how do I get parse the passed in variable name?

-- parse []            = getContents
the above line generates this error when I run 'main' in GHCi:

  *Main> <stdin>: hIsEOF: illegal operation (handle is semi-closed)
  Process intero exited abnormally with code 1

parse fs            = concat `fmap` mapM readFile fs

usage   = putStrLn "Usage: gc2"
version = putStrLn "gc2 -- git-cal in Haskell2010 - 0.1"
exit    = E.exitWith E.ExitSuccess
die     = E.exitWith (E.ExitFailure 1)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

跟进@ ThomasM.DuBuisson评论optparse-applicative是一个很棒的cli和参数解析包。还有另一个包optparse-simple,它建立在前一个包之上,并且有一些辅助工具可以简化一些事情。


data Options = Options
  { author :: String

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let ver = "gc2 -- git-cal in Haskell2010 - 0.1"
  args <-
    execParser $
      (Options <$>
       strOption (long "author" <>
                  short 'a' <>
                  help "Name of the author.") <*
       infoOption ver (long "version" <>
                       short 'v' <>
                       help "Display version and exit.") <*
       abortOption ShowHelpText (long "help" <>
                                 short 'h' <>
                                 help "Display this message."))
      (progDesc "Very powerful tool." <> fullDesc)
  putStrLn $ author args


λ> :main
Missing: (-a|--author ARG)

Usage: <interactive> (-a|--author ARG) [-v|--version] [-h|--help]
  Very powerful tool.
*** Exception: ExitFailure 1
λ> :main --version
gc2 -- git-cal in Haskell2010 - 0.1
*** Exception: ExitSuccess
λ> :main --help
Usage: <interactive> (-a|--author ARG) [-v|--version] [-h|--help]
  Very powerful tool.

Available options:
  -a,--author ARG          Name of the author.
  -v,--version             Display version and exit.
  -h,--help                Display this message.
*** Exception: ExitSuccess
λ> :main --author Me