
时间:2017-12-07 17:41:07

标签: node.js error-handling async-await try-catch generator

我在我的应用程序中得到了一些未处理的拒绝,但我非常确定我的所有代码都正确包装了错误处理。在挖掘之后,我发现async / await不像我预期的那样。基本上我的异步函数抛出同步错误,然后该错误被视为未捕获的异常。即使我明确地将我的代码包装在try catch中,但是当我等待抛出错误的同步方法时,也会发生这种情况。


function test() {
  async function one() {
    try {
      await three();
    } catch (error) {
      console.log('caught', new Error().stack);
      return error;
  async function three() {
    try {
      throw new Error();
    } catch (e) {
      console.log('caught', new Error().stack);
      return Promise.reject(e);

  one().then(function (result) {
  }).catch(error => console.log({ error }));

process.on('unhandledRejection', (e) => console.log('not caught', e.stack));



not caught Error
    at three$ (imports/access-control/execute-handler.js:25:13)
    at tryCatch (/Users/joshuaohlman/Development/Xolvio/xspecs/modules/web-app/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:65:40)
    at GeneratorFunctionPrototype.invoke [as _invoke] (/Users/joshuaohlman/Development/Xolvio/xspecs/modules/web-app/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:299:22)
    at GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype.(anonymous function) [as next] (/Users/joshuaohlman/Development/Xolvio/xspecs/modules/web-app/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:117:21)
    at tryCatch (/Users/joshuaohlman/Development/Xolvio/xspecs/modules/web-app/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:65:40)
    at invoke (/Users/joshuaohlman/Development/Xolvio/xspecs/modules/web-app/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:155:20)
    at /Users/joshuaohlman/Development/Xolvio/xspecs/modules/web-app/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:198:11
    at callInvokeWithMethodAndArg (/Users/joshuaohlman/Development/Xolvio/xspecs/modules/web-app/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:197:16)
    at AsyncIterator.enqueue (/Users/joshuaohlman/Development/Xolvio/xspecs/modules/web-app/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:220:13)
    at AsyncIterator.prototype.(anonymous function) [as next] (/Users/joshuaohlman/Development/Xolvio/xspecs/modules/web-app/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:117:21)
caught Error
    at one$ (imports/access-control/execute-handler.js:11:29)
    at tryCatch (/Users/joshuaohlman/Development/Xolvio/xspecs/modules/web-app/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:65:40)
    at GeneratorFunctionPrototype.invoke [as _invoke] (/Users/joshuaohlman/Development/Xolvio/xspecs/modules/web-app/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:299:22)
    at GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype.(anonymous function) [as throw] (/Users/joshuaohlman/Development/Xolvio/xspecs/modules/web-app/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:117:21)
    at tryCatch (/Users/joshuaohlman/Development/Xolvio/xspecs/modules/web-app/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:65:40)
    at invoke (/Users/joshuaohlman/Development/Xolvio/xspecs/modules/web-app/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:155:20)
    at /Users/joshuaohlman/Development/Xolvio/xspecs/modules/web-app/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:167:13
    at /Users/joshuaohlman/.meteor/packages/promise/.0.8.9.ghfed++os+web.browser+web.cordova/npm/node_modules/meteor-promise/fiber_pool.js:32:39
{ result: [Error] }
(STDERR) [Error] [Function]





function test() {                                                                                                      // 6
  function one() {                                                                                                     // 7
    return _regenerator2.default.async(function () {                                                                   // 7
      function one$(_context) {                                                                                        // 7
        while (1) {                                                                                                    // 7
          switch (_context.prev = _context.next) {                                                                     // 7
            case 0:                                                                                                    // 7
              _context.prev = 0;                                                                                       // 7
              _context.next = 3;                                                                                       // 7
              return _regenerator2.default.awrap(three());                                                             // 7
            case 3:                                                                                                    // 7
              _context.next = 9;                                                                                       // 7
              break;                                                                                                   // 7
            case 5:                                                                                                    // 7
              _context.prev = 5;                                                                                       // 7
              _context.t0 = _context["catch"](0);                                                                      // 7
              console.log('caught', new Error().stack);                                                                // 11
              return _context.abrupt("return", _context.t0);                                                           // 7
            case 9:                                                                                                    // 7
            case "end":                                                                                                // 7
              return _context.stop();                                                                                  // 7
          }                                                                                                            // 7
        }                                                                                                              // 7
      }                                                                                                                // 7
      return one$;                                                                                                     // 7
    }(), null, this, [[0, 5]]);                                                                                        // 7
  }                                                                                                                    // 7
  function two() {                                                                                                     // 15
    return _regenerator2.default.async(function () {                                                                   // 15
      function two$(_context2) {                                                                                       // 15
        while (1) {                                                                                                    // 15
          switch (_context2.prev = _context2.next) {                                                                   // 15
            case 0:                                                                                                    // 15
              _context2.prev = 0;                                                                                      // 15
              _context2.next = 3;                                                                                      // 15
              return _regenerator2.default.awrap(three());                                                             // 15
            case 3:                                                                                                    // 15
              _context2.next = 9;                                                                                      // 15
              break;                                                                                                   // 15
            case 5:                                                                                                    // 15
              _context2.prev = 5;                                                                                      // 15
              _context2.t0 = _context2["catch"](0);                                                                    // 15
              console.log('caught', new Error().stack);                                                                // 19
              return _context2.abrupt("return", _context2.t0);                                                         // 15
            case 9:                                                                                                    // 15
            case "end":                                                                                                // 15
              return _context2.stop();                                                                                 // 15
          }                                                                                                            // 15
        }                                                                                                              // 15
      }                                                                                                                // 15
      return two$;                                                                                                     // 15
    }(), null, this, [[0, 5]]);                                                                                        // 15
  }                                                                                                                    // 15
  function three() {                                                                                                   // 23
    return _regenerator2.default.async(function () {                                                                   // 23
      function three$(_context3) {                                                                                     // 23
        while (1) {                                                                                                    // 23
          switch (_context3.prev = _context3.next) {                                                                   // 23
            case 0:                                                                                                    // 23
              _context3.prev = 0;                                                                                      // 23
              throw new Error();                                                                                       // 23
            case 4:                                                                                                    // 23
              _context3.prev = 4;                                                                                      // 23
              _context3.t0 = _context3["catch"](0);                                                                    // 23
              console.log('caught', new Error().stack);                                                                // 27
              return _context3.abrupt("return", Promise.reject(_context3.t0));                                         // 23
            case 8:                                                                                                    // 23
            case "end":                                                                                                // 23
              return _context3.stop();                                                                                 // 23
          }                                                                                                            // 23
        }                                                                                                              // 23
      }                                                                                                                // 23
      return three$;                                                                                                   // 23
    }(), null, this, [[0, 4]]);                                                                                        // 23
  }                                                                                                                    // 23
  one().then(function (result) {                                                                                       // 32
    console.log({                                                                                                      // 33
      result: result                                                                                                   // 33
    });                                                                                                                // 33
  }).catch(function (error) {                                                                                          // 34
    return console.log({                                                                                               // 34
      error: error                                                                                                     // 34
    });                                                                                                                // 34
  });                                                                                                                  // 34
}                                                                                                                      // 35
process.on('unhandledRejection', function (e) {                                                                        // 37
  return console.log('not caught', e.stack);                                                                           // 37
});                                                                                                                    // 37




Lance Whatley指出从异步函数返回一个承诺是不正确的,我不确定是不是这样,但是我的行为绝对不是期望永远不会调用three() catch子句中的控制台日志语句。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

问题出在three()异步功能中。你可以在你的catch块中使用return Promise.reject(e)而不是在三个函数中使用try / catch,并且让任何调用方法处理错误,或者你必须在three()中使用try / catch(for例如,如果要在将错误发送到调用函数之前记录您当前正在执行的输出,请在记录后再次抛出相同的异常。


// Rejects this async function, so the calling function will act as if the promise was rejected
async function three() {
  try {
    throw new Error();
  } catch (e) {
    console.log('caught', new Error().stack);
    throw e;

// Defines a function that returns a promise that's instantly rejected, so your calling method can handle the rejection
async function three() {
  throw new Error()

最后一个throw e;有效地拒绝了你的调用函数中的promise,它具有预期的行为。运行return Promise.reject(e)不会拒绝调用异步函数,而是返回一个Promise拒绝对象,就像在父函数中解析它一样。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

原来这是一个错误,更新我的包版本修复了它。我会把这个问题留下来回答,因为我花了很长时间才发现问题并修复它,并且围绕使用try / catch块的async / await的正确行为存在很多混淆。
