
时间:2017-12-08 10:56:26

标签: r dataframe split multiple-columns

我有一个带有一些列的大<div class="rotate"></div>,但我的第9列是由以分号分隔的数据组成的:


所以我想将此列切换到其他列, gtf$V9 1 gene_id CUFF.1; transcript_id CUFF.1.1; FPKM 7.0762407256; frac 1.000000; conf_lo 4.347062; conf_hi 9.805420; cov 25.616962; 2 gene_id CUFF.1; transcript_id CUFF.1.1; exon_number 1; FPKM 7.0762407256; frac 1.000000; conf_lo 4.347062; conf_hi 9.805420; cov 25.616962; 3 gene_id CUFF.1; transcript_id CUFF.1.1; exon_number 2; FPKM 7.0762407256; frac 1.000000; conf_lo 4.347062; conf_hi 9.805420; cov 25.616962; 4 gene_id CUFF.1; transcript_id CUFF.1.1; exon_number 3; FPKM 7.0762407256; frac 1.000000; conf_lo 4.347062; conf_hi 9.805420; cov 25.616962; 稍后将其与merge的其他部分(第9列之前的其他列)一起删除。



head(gtf$V9, sep = ";",stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 

new_df <- matrix(gtf$V9, ncol=7, byrow=TRUE) # sep = ";" as.data.framedata.frame




3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

另一种选择是使用splitstackshape - 包(也加载data.table)。使用:

cSplit(cSplit(df, 'V9', sep = ';', direction = 'long'),
       'V9', sep = ' ')[, dcast(.SD, cumsum(V9_1 == 'gene_id') ~ V9_1)]


   V9_1  conf_hi  conf_lo       cov exon_number         FPKM     frac gene_id transcript_id
1:    1 9.805420 4.347062 25.616962          NA 7.0762407256 1.000000  CUFF.1      CUFF.1.1
2:    2 9.805420 4.347062 25.616962           1 7.0762407256 1.000000  CUFF.1      CUFF.1.1
3:    3 9.805420 4.347062 25.616962           2 7.0762407256 1.000000  CUFF.1      CUFF.1.1
4:    4 9.805420 4.347062 25.616962           3 7.0762407256 1.000000  CUFF.1      CUFF.1.1

答案 1 :(得分:1)




for (i in 1:number_of_max_objects_in_V9) {
 gtf[ncol(gtf)+1] = sapply(1:nrow(gtf), function(x) strsplit(gtf$V9[x],',')[[1]][i])

如果您不知道V9可以拥有多少个对象,那么只需在gtf $ V9中的str_count上运行,,就像这样:

number_of_max_objects_in_V9 <- max(sapply(1:nrow(gtf), function(x) str_count(gtf$V9,',')))

答案 2 :(得分:1)

# example dataset (only variable of interest included)
df = data.frame(V9=c("gene_id CUFF.1; transcript_id CUFF.1.1; FPKM 7.0762407256; frac 1.000000; conf_lo 4.347062; conf_hi 9.805420; cov 25.616962;",
                "gene_id CUFF.1; transcript_id CUFF.1.1; exon_number 1; FPKM 7.0762407256; frac 1.000000; conf_lo 4.347062; conf_hi 9.805420; cov 25.616962;",
                "gene_id CUFF.1; transcript_id CUFF.1.1; exon_number 2; FPKM 7.0762407256; frac 1.000000; conf_lo 4.347062; conf_hi 9.805420; cov 25.616962;",
                "gene_id CUFF.1; transcript_id CUFF.1.1; exon_number 3; FPKM 7.0762407256; frac 1.000000; conf_lo 4.347062; conf_hi 9.805420; cov 25.616962;"),
                stringsAsFactors = F)


df %>%
  mutate(id = row_number()) %>%                  # flag row ids (will need those to reshape data later)                
  separate_rows(V9, sep="; ") %>%                # split strings and create new rows
  separate(V9, c("name","value"), sep=" ") %>%   # separate column name from value
  mutate(value = gsub(";","",value)) %>%         # remove ; when necessary
  spread(name, value)                            # reshape data

#   id  conf_hi  conf_lo       cov exon_number         FPKM     frac gene_id transcript_id
# 1  1 9.805420 4.347062 25.616962        <NA> 7.0762407256 1.000000  CUFF.1      CUFF.1.1
# 2  2 9.805420 4.347062 25.616962           1 7.0762407256 1.000000  CUFF.1      CUFF.1.1
# 3  3 9.805420 4.347062 25.616962           2 7.0762407256 1.000000  CUFF.1      CUFF.1.1
# 4  4 9.805420 4.347062 25.616962           3 7.0762407256 1.000000  CUFF.1      CUFF.1.1
